Author Topic: FDA removed EUA for HCQ and gave to Remdesivir instead - neglegent homicide?  (Read 1054 times)


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This thread is identical to one in the "Lawsuits filed and to file in efforts to normalize hydroxychloroquine" forum section, with a different title. Please post replies regarding issues of legality or legal process or options in that thread.
Please post any comments on the rest of the content in this thread.

[update 6-2-21] Learned today from Dr. Peter McCollough that EUA only applies to new drugs and issuing it for hydroxychloroquine was completely inappropriate for a well known safe drug that has been around for 65 years that is taken by millions of Americans daily over decades.
38 minute mark:
[end edit]

The FDA removed Emergency Use Authorization for hydroxychloroquine and gave it to Remdesivir instead. It is this author's understanding that currently the FDA can only offer EUA to one treatment, for one disease, at a time. Seems peculiar but this may be the case as seems to be expressed in this American Thinker article:
And also expressed in this video:

The FDA having removed EUA for HCQ based on outright fraudulent, misguided and irrelevant (late patient) studies, discouraged entire nation states all around the world from continuing to make HCQ available, and placed prescribing it outside the "standard of care" here in the U.S., so the doctors of hundreds of thousands of suffering Americans won't prescribe it because they are more concerned about covering their asses than they are about their patients dying[/b]. So the FDAs move in conjunction with the deadly advice to "go home and isolate" effectively puts elderly and high-risk patients who get COVID, on the highway to the cytokine storm and hospitalization thus maximizing their odds of dying.
Demand for Remdesivir would be non-existent, if elderly and high-risk patients - and everybody else who became short of breath - were treated within the first 5 days (or close to it) of the presentation of symptoms, because nobody would have to go to the hospital since 99-100% would be getting cured within days with a $14 treatment protocol on an outpatient basis that even citizens of poor countries all around the world could afford.
While a giant WHO study of IV administered Remdesivir concluded that it did not result in significant reduction in death or even shorten the hospital stay, yet a 10-day course of treatment costs $4,600 to $6,400, while "We found the average charge per COVID-19 patient requiring a hospital stay to be $73,300. That charge is the estimated cost for a patient with no health insurance."
What a perfect COVID solution for dirt poor countries around the world after demonizing HCQ!

Here's a brave, successful, treating physician that speaks to cowardly doctors who prioritize their licenses over their patients lives:

Hydroxychloroquine has been demonstrated to be 99+% effective in treating elderly and high-risk patients when administered immediately upon presentation of symptoms or "clinical suspicion" of COVID-19. This has been a known matter of fact by the experience of treating physicians all around the world as well as doctors in the U.S. who have been prescribing the Zelenko Protocol ever since March. For many months now, Dr. Zelenko and esteemed Yale professor of epidemiology Dr. Harvey Risch the AAPS as well America's Frontline Doctors have been voices crying in the wilderness about this very subject, while easily over 100,000 Americans have died completely unnecessary deaths over the last 6 months.

Indeed so conspicuous and egregious is this injustice against the American people that Dr. Zelenko refers to this madness as "crimes against humanity" and "mass murder".
From Yale professor of epidemiology Dr. Harvey Risch:

Hydroxychloroquine has been saving lives all around the world for 6 months now, and the Zelenko Protocol has been adopted by entire nation-states as national policy for treatment of COVID-19, with great success. Even Asia's largest slum has met with wild success with HCQ both as treatment as well as prophylaxis.

So a drug that has a 65-year history of safety, that is sold over the counter in many countries (as it was in France for over 50 years) and is taken every day over the course of years by millions of Americans for Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis in the identical dosage that the Zelenko Protocol prescribes for 5 days - that the AAPS suggests is safer than aspirin, Tylenol or Benadryl, that enjoys a 99+% chance of curing even elderly and high-risk patients in the EARLY OUTpatient setting when administered immediately upon presentation of symptoms or clinical suspicion of COVID-19, for which the entire 5-day Zelenko Protocol uses $14 worth of pills - gets the Emergency Use Authorization taken away from it.

So that an experimental new drug that is delivered intravenously in a hospital INpatient setting - that already failed in treatment for ebola, that has been implicated in damaging kidneys and livers, that costs around $3,200 per course of treatment, for which the American taxpayers have already shelled out tens millions of dollars paying the manufacturer to develop it, who also gets to set the price and make the profits from it, that studies by Fauci's own NIH concluded on its efficacy the "difference in mortality was not statistically significant" - could receive the Emergency Use Authorization instead of hydroxychloroquine.

Is your blood boiling yet? Could anything be more obvious?

So does Fauci's "go home and isolate" recommendation for COVID-19 begin to make more sense, since it has been tantamount to a death sentence for so many elderly and high-risk patients that took Fauci's advice and wound up being hospitalized after just days without treatment and plunging into a cytokine storm and eventually perhaps on $3,200 Remdesivir, rather than having immediately sought and received OUTpatient treatment upon presentation of symptoms or even clinical suspicion of COVID-19 with the $14 Zelenko Protocol of HCQ+zinc+Azithromycin toward a 99+% chance of survival?

I'm no judge, so I am making no claims, but terms like negligent homicide and manslaughter come to my mind. Considering the overwhelming majority of deaths were among the sick, elderly and the least able among us, perhaps even Pol Pot styled genocide comes to mind as well. He exterminated Cambodia citizens just for being old, sick or disabled. Do Cuomo's New York City policies come to mind?

Is it pretty much unimaginable that some of the actors in government agencies and pharmaceutical companies involved weren't well aware of what they were doing, or at least eventually came to recognize the consequences thereof, since these facts have been well known for many months? I don't doubt that asking some probing questions and offering limited immunity could result in getting a lot of birds singing.

I'm no lawyer either, but terms like wrongful death and medical malpractice come to mind, in light of the fact that there have been doctors consistently treating patients with 99+% success on an outpatient basis, ever since March. So what about those that weren't administered this life-saving protocol?

What about pharmacists and pharmacies that refused to fill doctor's prescriptions, if their refusal wound up in delayed treatment and death, for the COVID-19 victim?

Where are all the whistleblowers? Does money really eclipse all else when those responsible and those complicit will have this on their consciences for the rest of their lives? Don't any of the complicit parties imagine that they and their families may well wind up suffering humiliation in the public square for generations, as a result of their silence and the consequential resulting deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans? Why wouldn't someone in that position prefer to wind up being a hero for whistleblowing instead of being tarred with guilt in perpetuity?

It has increasingly come to be seen that the only way remaining to bring reality and truth raining down on this injustice, and the completely unnecessary deaths of tens of millions of American citizens, is through high profile lawsuits. It is in the courtroom where the Big Pharma murdering liars and their advocates will be forced to defend their indefensible positions, so that truth can prevail. With expert witnesses like Dr. Zelenko and Dr. Harvey Risch, the AAPS and America's Frontline Doctors, the complicit wrongdoers at the FDA, NIH and CDC would stand naked. Answers could be demanded to the questions that the three doctors asked of Dr. Fauci in an open letter. These questions should be asked of heads of all of those agencies and their underlings all the way down the chain, then let the heads of all who do not or cannot respond roll, as a result of their predictable responses:

What about the culpability of the administrators of what would seem to have been designed to fail studies ("Marx brothers do science" as world renowned epidemiologist Didier Raoult referred to one), and what about the deceased victims that were subjects of those trials? Was the trial accurately represented to them beforehand? Were they told that they would be receiving toxic doses of medication that appears to be well above what the French would direct toward hospitalization for poisoning?

This video will help with the "why"s.

A deeper dive video.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2021, 08:17:00 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?