Author Topic: Some Will Be Remembered For Leading "The Great Genocide of Americans of 2020-21"  (Read 2267 times)


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[added 5-28] If you believe the term "genocide" to be too harsh, or inappropriate, consider who Pol Pot targeted in his genocide: "Because Pol Pot's vision of Cambodia necessitated the ability of citizens to work, mass numbers of the elderly, disabled and ill were among the casualties of the Cambodian genocide." [end edit]

Update 2-4-21:  After the Nazi led Holocaust and the Soviet led Holodomor genocide, the great global genocide of 2020-21 will likely claim the title of the third largest genocide in world history. [end update]

Update 3-26-21 ".....Black and Latino people have been nearly twice as likely to die from the virus as white people....." [end update]
Update 5-1-21 "Native Americans have had 2.2 times greater COVID-19 case incidence and almost quadruple the death rate of white people in Montana...." [end update]

video added 5-1-21 along with some edits in this now 8 month old thread.

Please feel free to copy and paste this and all other posts original to this forum, into emails, Internet forums, Facebook or any other venues you come across. Particularly since threads that regard treatment for COVID-19 could result in saving a persons life through timely administering of an Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine protocol, immediately upon the presentation of symptoms or clinical suspicion of COVID-19 for the best result. Or even as preventative prophylaxis.

Just as we remember the Spanish Flu pandemic over 100 years later, for which nobody was at fault, hundreds of years from now those that have demonized hydroxychloroquine and propagated fear regarding its use, will be remembered for having been responsible for The Great Genocide of Black, Hispanic, Elderly, Sick and poor Americans of 2020. We can hope that videos featuring its perpetrators will live on in infamy as do those from Nazi Germany. Dr. Fauci may lead the list with the deadly "recommendations" of Fauci's NIH, as well as those in control of the FDA, CDC and WHO to name just a few. Others will be those that ran trials that prescribed fatal doses to unwitting trial victims, in efforts to falsely paint HCQ as seeming dangerous and ineffective for COVID-19, as well as others that created fraudulent "trials" that used fictitious data, whose panels were larded with members that had conflicts of interest, as well as other trials that used criminally toxic dosing.

Perhaps third only to Pravda and Nazi propaganda in their success at brainwashing, the propaganda ministers and censors at Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Next Door, Linkedin and throughout the social and legacy media, may well go down in history as perpetrators of the homicide of up to 99% of the hundreds of thousands of Americans - to date - that have died completely unnecessary and horrific deaths, who could have otherwise been saved by timely and effective treatment with Ivermectin+doxycycline+zinc sulfate or hydroxychloroquine+azythromycin+zinc sulfate.

This homicide continues unabated as of 2-5-21 [and as of this edit 5-8-21], in spite of the examples of so many third world countries that only have a small fraction of the COVID deaths per 100,000 people that we have in the U.S., because of those countries use of HCQ. Or the poorest slum in Asia that has a population density 5 times that of New York City but only 1/20th the COVID death rate of the U.S. In typical fashion (Karl Marx/Goebbels style) some politicians blamed the administration, for that which they themselves are guilty - which is the higher death rate. This even though for months the president was an advocate for this life-saving drug - that as a result detractors then demonized - which could otherwise have prevented up to 99% of U.S. ChiCom Flu deaths.

Let alone their Big Pharma and politically-driven homicide killing citizens on other shores like those of France and Switzerland.
Should citizens of those countries be filing wrongful death lawsuits against the perpetrators of the bogus "study" published in the Lancet, or the WHO Recovery or UK Solidarity trials that used toxic doses of HCQ, as well as politicians, talking heads and censors in the U.S. media?

Switzerland found the good sense to lift the ban 15 days after imposing it based on fraudulent studies, because of the spike in COVID deaths that resulted from the ban. Our FDA removed EUA for hydroxychloroquine, based on that fraudulent study, AFTER the study had been found out to be a fraud.

The insidious part is that many of these homicidal maniacs are doing it for profit, because of financial interest in comparatively untested Remdisivir, Gilead Sciences $3,200 drug (the ingredients for which some suggest cost less than $10) - while the more effective HCQ+AZ+Z costs less than $20 per course of treatment retail - for which Remdesivir wouldn't even have a use (not that it would seem useful anyway according to the WHO), if Americans were being treated with the HCQ protocol on a timely basis, since 99+% of Americans could be cured in an outpatient setting without ever having to check into a hospital in the first place. Those planning on profiteering from a "vaccine" that would be completely unnecessary with widespread use of the HCQ protocol include Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. While HCQ is so safe (about the safety profile of aspirin) it is even available over the counter in countries like Indonesia and Iran. Will Americans have to travel to Iran to receive proper treatment to avoid dying from COVID, as it continues to be demonized in the U.S.?

The detractor's genocide extends to include the millions of Americans that are not being given routine diagnosis and treatment for diseases like cancer and heart disease on a timely basis, because of lockdowns and because hospitals have been rendered off limits for normal business, since hospital resources have been squandered unnecessarily on Chicom Flu patients. The otherwise completely avoidable deaths would also include the deaths from spousal and child abuse, as well as suicides, that result from lock-downs, the toll of which has only begun to be calculated even as they continue. Let alone the deaths of thousands of small businesses through forced shut downs resulting in financial and emotional distress in families.

The only truly lasting legacy that the heads and complicit (or non-correcting) employees - that is the censors - at Google, Facebook/YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Next Door, Linkedin and the legacy media may leave behind, will be to be recognized by their heirs for generations to come, and as history should rightly view them, as mass murderers. This isn't being done by mistake or by reason, but rather for profit or through malice as a result of hearts filled with hatred and rage, through Trump derangement syndrome and leftist group-think.

The same will hold true for the legacies of all of the talking heads in the legacy media who did not defend hydroxychloroquine, but continued to demonize it - or let their coworkers demonize it without their ever speaking up - whose video clips will hopefully be preserved in montages for centuries into the indefinite future.

Among those seen as bearing the most guilt may be the perpetrators of the fraudulent "study" on hydroxychloroquine published in Lancet, that offered the false promise of an opportunity to demonize the president, that immediately fueled the media liars. Their families are likely already experiencing the disgrace or at least soon may. Will the perpetrators ultimately be prosecuted for fraud or manslaughter?

It would seem that the families of all of those that died as a result of not being allowed access to HCQ by their treating physicians and particularly those innocents that died as a result of trials that used lethal doses of HCQ, as well as politicians that made it uncomfortable for treating physicians to consider using HCQ, may wind up with some fairly firm ground from which to bring medical malpractice and wrongful death lawsuits against them. So where does that leave the anchors and commentators of the major networks, who treated this life-saving drug as a joke, while tens of thousands died as a result? What about those ruling elite that continued to demonize HCQ even as their own lives were secretly being saved by it?

Andrew Cuomo pats himself on the back for the rate of COVID deaths slowing, but it would seem that's mainly because he already killed the most high risk category of residents in New York.
Scroll down to the 4th graph on the page at this link
In other graphs on that page you can see the abysmal performance of U.S. allopathic Illness Industry, compared to the rest of the world, in treating COVID patients. Like this chart of recovered patients, that the link seems to work for:
(When I copied the link to that 4th chart down, that compares states, and tried opening it by that link, the chart was nowhere to be found on the whole web page. I wonder why?)

"Passing the buck to other states is a savvy (dishonest) political move since it obscures Cuomo's own response to COVID-19. As of this writing, New York has seen more than 32,000 of its residents die from the disease. That's more than seven times the deaths in Florida, about nine times the deaths in Texas, and more than four times the deaths in California. It dwarfs the totals in many European countries, and it nips at Italy's heels. Of the state's total, more than 22,000 deaths came from New York City. Compare that to America's other densely populated metropolitan areas: Los Angeles has recorded under 4,000 deaths, Boston has just over 1,000, Miami is at 1,202, D.C. has 571, Houston comes in at 491, and San Francisco has logged 50."

How will history look back upon a governor, that banned HCQ in his state and sent COVID positive elderly patients back into nursing homes, while even banning testing of new patients before they entered.

Eventually resulting in body fluids leaking from non-refrigerated trucks, that bodies were stacked in, at an overwhelmed mortuary.

"Dozens of Decomposing Bodies Found in Trucks at Brooklyn Funeral Home
The funeral home director said that he used the trucks for storage after he ran out of space in his chapel. “Bodies are coming out of our ears,” he said."

"The spectacle of dead New Yorkers left to decay in broad daylight in rental trucks on a crowded street in Brooklyn underscored the scale of challenge facing the city as it tries to absorb the effects of the coronavirus pandemic."

[edit add: As of this edit on May 8th 2021 "New York City is still storing hundreds of COVID-19 victims in refrigerated trucks"

Well handled! [end edit]
« Last Edit: July 17, 2021, 08:00:08 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Second and third world countries are leading so-called "developed" countries out of this plandemic:

« Last Edit: February 03, 2023, 04:37:06 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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The proper term is genocide.

"Fury at ‘do not resuscitate’ notices given to Covid patients with learning disabilities"
    Vulnerable people have encountered ‘shocking discrimination’ during pandemic, says Mencap charity

James Tapper
Sat 13 Feb 2021 08.56 EST

People with learning disabilities have been given do not resuscitate orders during the second wave of the pandemic, in spite of widespread condemnation of the practice last year and an urgent investigation by the care watchdog.

Mencap said it had received reports in January from people with learning disabilities that they had been told they would not be resuscitated if they were taken ill with Covid-19.

The Care Quality Commission said in December that inappropriate Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) notices had caused potentially avoidable deaths last year.

DNACPRs are usually made for people who are too frail to benefit from CPR, but Mencap said some seem to have been issued for people simply because they had a learning disability. The CQC is due to publish a report on the practice within weeks.

The disclosure comes as campaigners put growing pressure on ministers to reconsider a decision not to give people with learning disabilities priority for vaccinations. There is growing evidence that even those with a mild disability are more likely to die if they contract the coronavirus."

« Last Edit: July 14, 2021, 11:04:13 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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And the genocide continues with - as of 3-15-21 - another 8,748 "COVID-19 deaths" in the U.S. in the last 7 days.

That averages 1,250 completely unnecessary and horrific deaths in the United States every day - in order to advance the globalist take-over and control of weak minds and small businesses - that could easily be reduced to 10% or even 1% of that figure within just a few weeks, by adopting an aggressive national policy of early treatment with highly effective protocols that use $20 worth of safe, cheap, generic, time-tested drugs.
1% would suggest 13 deaths per day instead of 1,250.

COVID deathometer
« Last Edit: March 17, 2021, 06:34:51 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Scroll to the 17 minute mark for this genocide being directed toward Blacks and Latinos.
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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"The Unthinkable: Culling the Population To Balance the Books
By Bill Sardi with Matthew Sardi
June 5, 2021"
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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"Medicare is relying on 362,000 COVID-19-related deaths among Medicare patients to balance its budget."

"The Unthinkable: Culling the Population To Balance the Books
By Bill Sardi with Matthew Sardi
June 5, 2021

Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Dr.Bryan Ardis: "We are witnessing intentional medical GENOCIDE"
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?