Author Topic: Vaccine Magnet Challenge  (Read 529 times)


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Vaccine Magnet Challenge
« on: May 26, 2021, 09:04:08 AM »
[edit 11-10-21] "Last August the Japanese Health Ministry recalled 1.6 million doses of the Moderna COVID injection, after finding  “a substance that reacts to magnets,” according to a ministry official speaking to Nikkei Asia. It also found a “black” substance, according to the source in Nikkei. All media reports except Nikkei Asia and the Epoch Times have simply characterized the substances as “contamination.”" [end edit]

[edit 6-13] A good idea came up which is to try the magnet challenge, and if you get a magnet to stick, try putting baby powder on the area and try it again. If it sticks please report your result on this thread.
Though it is difficult to doubt one's eyes, in the video in which the magnet appears to be sticking and then is actually repelled slightly lower down the arm, but then sticking to that same spot after the magnet is reversed, as in the video on the Highwire link below. [end edit]

"Scientists" suggest that people shouldn't believe their own eyes when they see magnets sticking to people's arms at the vaccine site.
But then one has to wonder, since for more than a year "scientists" have also suggested that physicians that have enjoyed 100% success in treating elderly and high-risk patients for COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, shouldn't believe their own eyes and data either.

But then there's very little medical "science" anymore that isn't "owned" by Big Pharma:

Since the "scientists" explain what it is not, it's hard to imagine an alternative explanation they would be left with as to what it is, other than the 47 minutes of magnet videos from around the world are all people engaged in a massive international conspiracy to fool other people into believing magnets stick to vaxx sites!
I hope there's yet another explanation, but these folks don't look like they're faking it.

Look at a few videos and decide for yourself. I don't pretend to have any idea as to what could be causing it, but it sure looks like something other than sweat, lotion, spit etc. because most of the arms look smooth and dry.
I like the one at the 57:29 minute mark in the Highwire video at this link, where the magnet appears to be repelled away from the arm a little below the vaxx site, with only the edge attracted, but then sticks fast when raised a little higher. Then when flipped over sticks in the lower area that repelled it.
A little later on in that video they take to the streets and put magnets on random people on the street.

In the 5:05 mark in the video below it appears to jump onto the vaxx site

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« Last Edit: November 10, 2021, 11:55:51 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?