Author Topic: USA Today is typical of Big Pharma shill, fake news, "fact checkers"  (Read 530 times)


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USA Today is typical of Big Pharma shill "fact checkers" even as recently as July 21st. But is this continuous negative drum beat against a cheap life-saving drug tantamount to mass murder?

"Hydroxychloroquine has not worked in treating COVID-19, studies show"

"A Facebook post on what is described as the personal page of Pennsylvania state Sen. Doug Mastriano claims the drug has been useful in the fight against COVID-19. The post has more than 1,700 shares.

The post is a screenshot of a tweet by DavidSamadi, a urologist who regularly makes TV appearances, including on Fox News as a medical expert: "I want to ensure that everyone understands the gravity of the situation here. Hydroxychloroquine worked this whole time. The media said it would literally kill you if you took it simply because POTUS promoted it as a cure. Thousands of people likely DIED because of this.""

And so what is USA Today's - Trump-Derangement-Syndrome-broken "fact checker's" - conclusion based on fraudulent and horribly misguided studies (that even used lethal doses 6 times greater than that required to treat COVID)?

"Our ruling: False

We rate the claim that hydroxychloroquine has worked through the entirety of the pandemic as FALSE because it is not supported by our research.

So how many interviews with treating physicians that have enjoyed 99%+ success in treating COVID patients since early on in the pandemic, do you suppose these shameless shills for Big Pharma included in their "research"?

Several reputable randomized control studies – the highest tier in research – such as the U.K.'s RECOVERY trial.....

Ah yes, the study that the most renowned virologist in the world described as the “The Marx Brothers are Doing Science: the Example of RECOVERY,”. No study that used lethal doses of medicine that are 6 times the amount used in actual successful treatment, should be considered anything close to "reputable" but rather dangerous and designed-to-fail at best, perhaps murderous at worst?

Here's a thread on the bogus, designed-to-fail "Solidarity" and "Recovery" trials.

.....found no evidence to suggest hydroxychloroquine saved lives. Studies that showed hydroxychloroquine as beneficial were flawed or, like the Henry Ford study, included another medication helpful against COVID-19.

He apparently forgot the Mt. Sinai study that came up with the same 50% reduction in mortality result with early treatment. And those studies didn't even include the addition of zinc with HCQ which is all important.

Anecdotes of hydroxychloroquine's effectiveness are not comparable or equivalent to large studies and need further scrutiny.

What the clowns refer to as anecdotal is in-the-field front line doctors who have enjoyed 99-100% success, month after month, since early on in the pandemic, with some treating hundreds of patients each. Ask Fauci:

Considering the adverse effects of hydroxychloroquine intake, it has the potential to put lives at risk of severe heart problems and other issues, according to the FDA."

Could their research have been so shallow that they didn't know, that two of the "trials" they were influenced by, used lethal dosing of HCQ that likely caused the heart issues?
Are they so ignorant as to not know that COVID-19 itself causes heart issues?
Are they aware that millions of people have taken billions of doses of HCQ over the drug's 65 year history and not had heart issues?
That millions of people in the U.S. take HCQ every day for Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis over the course of many years (at the same dosage that the Zelenko protocol uses for 5 days)?
Are they aware that according to AAPS, HCQ is safer than aspirin, Tylenol or Benadryl?
How did they "research" their "fact checking"? Through equally bogus New York Times articles?

Here's another "anecdote" on HCQ:
« Last Edit: August 30, 2020, 11:02:29 AM by Administrator »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Re: USA Today is typical of Big Pharma shill, fake news, "fact checkers"
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2020, 08:45:28 AM »
Here's another one of their comical "fact check" articles:

I wonder if they considered the stats from this slum in India?

Though they are right to claim it doesn't work better abroad. Indeed in order to do so it would have to produce greater than 99+% effective results!
« Last Edit: August 31, 2020, 08:47:23 AM by Administrator »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?