Author Topic: Big Pharma developing new drug for vaxx caused “Antibody Dependent Auto-Attack”  (Read 359 times)


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"Big Pharma developing new drug to treat adverse reactions caused by covid “vaccines” … because the insanity never ends
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 by: Ethan Huff   

 (Natural News) Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are causing people to suffer from a condition known as an “Antibody Dependent Auto-Attack” (ADAA), for which Big Pharma is already in the process of creating a new pharmaceutical to treat it.

A pre-print study appearing on the bioRxiv website explains that the “anti-spike antibodies” induced by Chinese Virus injections “can have a pathogenic effect through binding to sick lung epithelium cells and misleading immune responses to attack self-cells.” Thus, researchers are working on a new drug candidate to both prevent and treat this potentially deadly phenomenon.

“The drug candidate is a formulation comprising N-acetylneuraminic acid methyl ester (NANA-Me), an analog of N-acetylneuraminic acid,” the paper explains. “ANA-Me acts through a unique mechanism of action (MOA) which is repairment of the missing sialic acid on sick lung epithelium cells.”

By blocking the antibodies from binding to sick cells, the drug candidate could, researchers say, reduce the rate of sickness and death among those who take Fauci Flu shots in accordance with government recommendations.

“… the formulation has potential to prevent and treat the adverse reactions of COVID-19 vaccines because the vaccines can induce similar antibodies, including pathogenic antibodies,” the paper goes on to explain.

“The formulation will be helpful in increasing the safety of the vaccines without reducing the vaccine’s efficacy. Compared to existing antiviral drugs, the formulation has a unique MOA of targeting receptors, broad spectrum of indications, excellent safety profile, resistance to mutations, and can be easily produced.”

Pharmaceutical company shareholders wrote paper pushing drug “cure” for covid vaccine injuries

The paper was authored by numerous drug company shareholders who have a financial stake in the drug candidate being promoted as the “cure” for covid vaccine-induced ADAA.

One of them, Huiru Wang, holds shares in Huirui Biopharma, while Xiaoling Liu and Yuxing Chen, two other authors, hold shares in HuaAn McAb Biotechnology.

“There are patent applications pending related to this work,” the paper explains at the bottom in its “Competing Interest Statement.”

The fact that Big Pharma is already pushing new Chinese Virus drugs to treat the damage caused by existing Chinese Virus drugs, all for massive profits, is hardly a surprise. After all, Moderna, which produces one of the deadly mRNA injection “vaccines” being pushed as part of “Operation Warp Speed,” is nothing but a massive “pump and dump” operation.

The entire Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic is all about money and depopulation, it turns out. Almost nothing being proposed as a “solution” to the virus has anything to do with helping people. It is all about padding the pockets of the rich while taking advantage of the poor.

And what else would people expect from the same folks that have been pushing drug scams for decades? The Big Pharma machine is all about money, which is the golden calf of the industry. Nature, meanwhile, always takes a back seat to the latest witches’ brews to come from drug companies.

Since we know that Wuhan Flu shots are destroying people’s immune systems over time, the expectation is that many new drugs will be coming down the pipeline to treat the damage. Such drugs include new “booster” shots and other novel therapies that will drive up drug company stock prices, making investors filthy rich at the expense of public health.

“It certainly helps when you have the likes of Fauci … promoting overpriced ‘therapeutics’ and dangerous and unproven vaccines, while natural remedies and inexpensive pharmaceuticals are already doing a great job of healing even the most sick,” wrote one Natural News commenter.

To keep up with the latest news about Fauci Flu shot injuries and deaths, visit

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« Last Edit: January 02, 2022, 11:04:02 AM by admin »
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