Author Topic: Drug trials and studies should use HCQ+Z+AZ in the control group  (Read 653 times)


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If the intent is not to murder the participants in drug trials, they should use HCQ+zinc+Azithroymcin as the control group, against whatever new drug or combination they are trialing. At least then the control group could enjoy a 99-100% recovery rate and only patients in the "treatment" side of the trial of whatever new drug comes along, would have to die. But then again if the patients were fully informed of the odds, how many would be dumb enough to sign up to take a chance on a new drug, if they knew the control group had a 99-100% chance of surviving.

"But as previously noted, the possibility of a cheap and easy treatment for Covid from re-purposed generic drugs, especially hydroxychloroquine, is a mortal threat to these financial interests. As France Soir put it: the trial management must ‘never put low-cost hydroxychloroquine therapy in direct competition with remdesivir’. Or with mass vaccination."

The FDA revocation of Emergency Use Authorization led me to their explanation for it, which essentially says that HCQ is "safe and effective" for malaria and when taken daily over the course of years for Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, but when a person takes it for 5 days at the very same dosage for COVID-19, for that person, it suddenly somehow becomes dangerous!

Which led me to this page of upcoming "trials" of treatments for COVID:

On 9/5/20 I clicked on the 100 studies per page link. (The more recent (many just proposed) studies are presented in first pages followed by older studies as you load more pages.)
Then I did a ctrl+f search of "hydrox" and another for "HCQ".
There are studies that try HCQ with other materials, perhaps so that expensive patented companions can ride on the back of the workhorse HCQ, that is doing the heavy lifting thereby making them look useful?

But when it comes to studying the $20 hydroxychloroquine+zinc+azithromycin, 99+% successful Zelenko Protocol I found:

In the first (newest) 100 listed, there is 1 that uses HCQ and 1 that uses HCQ+AZ - neither includes ZINC.
In the next (older) 100 there are 8 that use HCQ and 3 that use HCQ+AZ - none that include zinc.
In the next 100 there are 6 that use HCQ - none that include zinc.
In the next 100 there are 7 that use HCQ and 5 that use HCQ+AZ - none of which include zinc.

Indeed a word search for "zinc" did not return a result in those 400 proposed or completed studies. Yet zinc is what inhibits the virus from replicating in the cells, while HCQ is the vehicle (ionophore) that carries it into the cell. Video on the science of it at page bottom.

Is it safe to suggest that "researchers" are doing everything in their power to kill a $20, 99% successful, treatment protocol (with HCQ only comprising about $3.50 of that total), as they shill for Big Pharma profits in something more profitable? While tens of thousands of Americans have died, and will continue to die at that rate, as sacrificial lambs for Big Pharma's gains?

Is it a safe to bet that Fauci's NIH and the FDA are up to their eyeballs in stalling and blocking the Zelenko Protocol, since the FDA and even individual researchers there, profit wildly from Big Pharma?


Are U.S. health agencies and "trials" guilty of stalling, blocking, and killing Americans in a disinformation campaign until a not-nearly-as-effective patented drug combo, that will perhaps cost thousands of dollars per patient like $3200 Remdesivir, can be trotted out?

Unlike the phony and fraudulent "science" that Dr. Fauci follows, through Big Pharma advancing designed-to-fail "studies" and "trials", this video discusses the actual science involved in curing COVID-19 in the outpatient setting with HCQ:

How HCQ works by Dr. Mobeen Syed this is the best video for explanation. Please click on the link:
« Last Edit: May 06, 2021, 06:58:00 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?