Author Topic: links of interest  (Read 170 times)


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links of interest
« on: January 13, 2022, 11:25:15 AM »
Data from the UK Health Security Agency shows you are wildly more likely to catch COVID with vaccination than without:!UKResidentsAreOver100PercentMoreLikelyToGetCOVIDAfterVaccination.png

This is because – as Dr. Nathan explains here – the injection turns off your innate immune system causing an auto-immune disorder (your body attacks itself):

Everything about this pandemic is an obvious in our faces lie.

The test to determine if you even have COVID is a glaring lie:

The vaccines’ efficacy and safety are a lie:

The masks’ efficacy and safety are a lie:

The media chronically lies all day long:

They’ve lied by surreptitiously changing our language:

The reason for the lock-downs, masking, and economic havoc caused by them was a lie. It was never about safety, it’s only been about destroying our liberty, supply chains, health, and wealth:

Our government has become a Frankenstein monster created from the merger of corporate, political, and bureaucrat criminals:

Everyone at the FDA who voted to approve the Pfizer vaccine for children should be drug out into the street and shot (“We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.”):

Meanwhile DARPA is totally out of control:

And in the midst of all of this most people are caught in a disbelief trap believing none of the aforementioned to be true:

We have a One World Government At Our Doorstep that is using the scamdemic to gain a stranglehold on the world and very few people seem to be aware of this impending tyranny:

We need to remind these people that despite what the government desperately wants them to believe, the government serves us and not the other way around:
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?