Author Topic: JAMA hydroxychloroquine study worthless? - no zinc & late hospital treatment?  (Read 743 times)


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[later edit]The study published in JAMA was indeed just another bogus study (this time from Brazil), yet it is the basis of the FDA revocation of emergency use authorization for HCQ. It is another "study" that is responsible for tens of thousands of unnecessary COVID-19 deaths. [end edit]

This is the "study" that is most responsible for the FDA having revoked Emergency Use Authorization for hydroxychloroquine in treatment of COVID-19. Resulting in treating physicians rising up in protest, that have been successfully prescribing it for months to tens of thousands of patients, without observing any negative side effects.

It would seem the JAMA hydroxychloroquine study was essentially worthless, because it did not administer all important zinc along with the HCQ in the protocol and even worse, it was also administered to hospitalized patients rather than COVID-19 positive people in an outpatient setting, when it is widely known this is when HCQ is the most effective. When administered immediately upon presentation of symptoms.

Why would their paper not even mention the dosage that was given to patients?

Perhaps it's because the high dosage arm of the trial had to be stopped.

They may not have realized (or they may have) this is basically another admission that the "study" was worthless: 
"Patients were categorized into 4 treatment groups based on having received at any time during hospitalization:"

Particularly since the Henry Ford and Mt. Sinai studies that showed a 50% reduction in mortality of hospitalized patients administered HCQ within 48 hours of admission.

Here's another more comical (if it weren't so tragic) admission (does this look "randomized"?):
"Patients receiving hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine alone were more likely to be obese and have diabetes than those in the groups receiving azithromycin alone and neither drug. Patients receiving hydroxychloroquine alone had the highest levels of chronic lung disease (25.1%) and cardiovascular conditions (36.5%)."

Other studies that suggested that HCQ was dangerous, used lethal dosages that were 6 times those employed by thousands of doctors, toward 99-100% successful outpatient treatments for COVID-19.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2021, 10:25:46 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?