Author Topic: Spike-Only Vaccine a Colossal Blunder: SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Escape is Due to Vaxx  (Read 216 times)


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"Spike-Only Vaccine a Colossal Blunder: Michigan State University Shows SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Escape is Due to Vaccination
Earlier analyses had shown correlation of new COVID-19 cases with vaccine uptake, indicating vaccine escape. Now that causality is confirmed, the question is: Will policy makers stop making it worse?
James Lyons-Weiler
Dec 8, 2021"

"Now a new study has found the specific mutations by which the SARS-CoV-2 lineages have escaped the vaccine. The study, which is behind a paywall (US$40), reports that these mutations lead to less infectivity compared to the original SARS-CoV-2, but, according to the authors, “can disrupt existing antibodies that neutralize the virus”.

That sounds like disease enhancement to me.

“By tracking the evolutionary trajectories of vax-resistant mutations in more than 2.2 million SARS-CoV-2 genomes, we reveal that the occurrence & frequency of vax-resistant mutations correlate strongly with the vaccination rates in Europe and America.”

Their analysis went well beyond mere correlation of the rise of the vaccine-resistant variants and vaccination rates. Specifically, these authors had previously predicted the precise amino acid location in the receptor binding domain (RBD) at which vaccine escape variation would likely emerge as a result of targeting the spike protein with vaccines. Now that we see those specific amino acid residue positions changing, and, importantly, changing in ways that alter infectivity, the evidence is strong that the rise in these mutations was caused by the vaccination program.

They wrote:

“(I)n early 2020, we successfully predicted that residues 452 and 501 ‘have high changes to mutate into significantly more infectious COVID-19 strains’. In the same work, we hypothesized that ‘natural selection favors those mutations that enhance the viral transmission’ and provided the first evidence for infectivity-based natural selection. In other words, we revealed the mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 evolution and transmission based on very limited genome data in June 2020.19 Additionally, we predicted three categories of RBD mutations: (1) most likely (1149 mutations), (2) likely (1912 mutations), and (3) unlikely (625 mutations).19 To date, almost all of the RBD mutations we detected fall into our first category.3,20 Moreover, all of the top 100 most observed RBD mutations have a BFE change greater than the average BFE changes of −0.28 kcal/mol.”

The BFE measurement is a very strong predictor of infectivity to the ACE2 receptor in humans.

What this means to the authors is that vaccine-breakthrough and antibody-resistant mutations will increase transmission once most people are carrying antibodies through either vaccination or infection. The authors call for use of this information in vaccine programs (!). That, of course, will lead to further selection pressure.

What this means to me is that the infamous “new variants” Delta and Omicron variants have the mutations in the RBD now make all existing spike-only vaccines obsolete. Once Omicron dominates, another evolutionary arms race will take place - as long as we are targeting only the spike protein in so many people.

Our best bet is to foster immune health so when people are inevitably infected, they have a better shot at very long-lasting immunity via neutralizing antibodies, memory B-cells and memory T-cells to the 55 other epitopes from other SARS-CoV-2 virus proteins that I reported in April 2020."

« Last Edit: February 01, 2023, 11:33:59 AM by admin »
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