Author Topic: We wouldn't need lockdowns, face masks, or social distancing w/proper treatment  (Read 819 times)


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Please read the important disclaimer at the following link before proceeding further on this page. The administrator of this forum is not a doctor nor licensed or experienced in any aspect of the health care industry.

We wouldn't need lockdowns, face masks, or social distancing if everyone were receiving timely treatment with the Zelenko Protocol. Here's one such treating physician with a 100% success rate in curing 1,900 COVID patients since March - through early outpatient treatment with hydroxychloroquine+zinc+Azithromycin - 0 deaths and only one 4-day hospitalization. Does that suggest the need for a vaccine or any other mitigating measures? With early treatment we could all go about our normal business and then get cured when infected, and reach herd immunity in a few months.

Do we really want to risk permanent physiological or neurological damage particularly our young population, with a mandatory rushed vaccine, since COVID-19 is far less deadly for young people than the seasonal flu particularly when it is 99-199% curable when treated immediately?

Since as has been demonstrated ever since March there is a 99+% effective treatment for COVID-19 - including among elderly and high-risk patients - through the world renowned $14 Zelenko Protocol, the answer to the point raised in the thread title is that none of those dictates would be appropriate to impose on individuals in any society for COVID-19, if members of that society were receiving humane early outpatient treatment under the Zelenko Protocol.

At Zelenko's 99.7% recovery rate, the current over 700 deaths the U.S. has been logging every day from COVID-19, could theoretically be reduced to a volume countable on the fingers of one hand - even within two weeks - if everyone in the U.S. were being cared for by competent clinicians under the Zelenko Protocol.

In other words what has mainly been killing Americans ever since March is censorship, lies, misinformation and disinformation about COVID-19, rather than the virus itself.

So the trillions of dollars that have been stolen from future generations and squandered to mitigate a financial collapse that never needed to threaten us, would have been a completely unnecessary expenditure, if hydroxychloroquine had not been demonized by those that have ever since last spring and continue to do so, for purely selfish political and financial gain while carrying the water for Gilead Sciences and Big Pharma at the expense of hundreds of thousands of American lives.

The ginned up crisis of course sponsored by Big Pharma and the organizations they "own" like the WHO, FDA, NIH, CDC, TV networks, mainstream media and politicians as well as Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Detailed in those as well as many other links throughout this forum.

The consequences of lockdowns in terms of suicides, mental health, abuse and economic devastation are apparent and widely cited on the Internet. I included a couple example articles in this forum category.

The dangers of wearing face masks are a little more nuanced, but wearing one is certainly not perfectly safe in terms of increased chances of respiratory infection while rebreathing the pathogens that our systems are attempting to excrete through out respiratory tracts as well as the more subtle effects like slight reductions in oxygenation of our cells favoring illnesses that thrive in an environment of reduced cellular oxygen, like cancer.

Please don't miss the forest for the trees. The arguments and articles in this forum section regarding lockdowns, face masks and "social" distancing for COVID-19 would be rendered moot, if everyone received early treatment with the Zelenko Protocol.

For each of us who may have personally prepared our systems better than most, and who arranged in advance with our doctor to be assured the earliest possible treatment with HCQ+Z+AZ, it's a little easier for us to relax.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 07:57:47 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?