Author Topic: Headline suggest 99% of people that died of COVID last month were not vaccinated  (Read 327 times)


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But then first, they likely inflated the COVID positive PCR tests by at least 90% by going out at least to 35 cycle thresholds to basically declare all influenza A or B deaths as COVID, as they have been doing for the last year and a half.

Second, the news doesn't much matter to the dead and crippled by way of vaccination.

Third, it isn't a stretch to believe that nearly 100% of the COVID deceased last month were (un)"treated" according to Fauci's NIH's deadly "go home and isolate" until you turn blue and need oxygen and hospitalization (non)protocol, thereby not receiving early outpatient treatment on a timely basis with a hydroxycholoroquine or ivermectin protocol.

But instead receive a $73,300 hospital bill and perhaps permanent disability for delayed treatment.

Let alone the massive doctor and hospital bills suffered - and continuing - for those injured by the vaccine, without compensation for injuries, even including those that were involved in the original vaccine trial (though everyone that got the jab is in the large vaccine trial).
Like this gal that spent 22 days in the hospital and is still relearning how to walk:

Let's hope and pray that it continues to work out well for those that survived vaccination, and that the next designer pathogen the Chinese release (or that a vaccinated person's system creates), will not result in pathogenic priming or an enhanced immune response for those that are vaccinated.

We can continue to hope that the numbers of pregnant women that miscarried shortly after vaccination will not continue to do so, and that this and the next generation will not suffer reproductive harm, since there were no studies on pregnant women before the vaccines were released.

As well as their babies:

But there is good reason that vaccines generally take 7 to 20 years of study before they are released, with the vast majority of them fail before ever being brought to market.

For those choosing a wait and see approach at least until the vaccine trials end in 2023, even if you have checked with your doctor and confirmed that they will prescribe an ivermectin or HCQ protocol, there may be more to consider. A guy I know was out of town on business when they were stricken with COVID. He called his doctor and was told that he could write the prescription, but that the doctor would have to see him first. He didn't know to try telemedicine with America's Frontline Doctors to get a prescription, and as a result suffered with COVID for 3 weeks. Completely unavoidable. That may be another hoop. Best to try to get some and have it on hand in case your planned options don't work out.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2021, 11:13:34 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?