Author Topic: Need late patient study of HCQ+zinc+drug cocktail VS Remdesivir+drug cocktail?  (Read 527 times)


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Considering testimony like this in the comment section of YouTube.....

"bobby Vu
1 month ago
A patient admitted to my hospital ER. Pt is a 73 y/o female with COVID positive, impaired renal function, on dialysis, had QT prolongation, hypertension, cough, diarrhea, and required oxygen. Infectious disease wanted to put the patient on Remdesivir but med is contraindicated for patients with severe renal impairment.  So ID put the patient on Hydroxychloroquine and zinc. The patient was also put on Rocephin, lovenox, and dexamethasone.  After 1 day, the patient no longer required oxygen and was on room air, decrease cough, decrease diarrhea, increase appetite, and increase verbal communication. 2nd day continued to get better and on the 4th day, discharged to home."

.....might it be appropriate to have a later stage patient trial of HCQ+zinc+  Rocephin, lovenox, and dexamethasone VS Remdesivir and anything else the maker wants to add to it if not the preceding 3 meds?

Though there would be no need for such a trial, as there would be too few hospitalized patients, if everyone were being treated for COVID-19 in an outpatient setting within the first 5 days of infection with the Zelenko Protocol.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2020, 02:50:06 PM by Robert »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?