Author Topic: Remdesivir approved for “treatment” of Covid-19 in babies as young as 28 days  (Read 268 times)


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From an AFLDS email:

"Dear Friend,

Did you hear? On April 25, 2022, the failed Ebola drug Remdesivir was approved by the FDA for “treatment” of Covid-19 in babies as young as 28 days old and as small as seven pounds! This is the exact same drug that has been wreaking carnage throughout hospitals since Fauci and Company approved the rigid CARES Act hospital protocol, along with bonus payments for treatment of Covid-19 with Remdesivir.

This is beyond shocking. Repeatedly, Remdesivir has been shown to be completely ineffective at treating Covid-19 in adults (even WHO studies show this) and to have severe side effects, including multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), kidney failure and dialysis, and septic shock.

While studies of inexpensive and familiar early treatment meds continue to demonstrate safety and effectiveness, the same cannot be said about Remdesivir. What makes this plot even more sinister, is this failed drug has even been approved for babies and children who are displaying only mild symptoms of Covid-19!

As we at AFLDS have preached for over two years, children and infants are at statistically zero risk of death from Covid-19, and yet they now can legally be treated with what is essentially poison. This is one of the worst decisions of the corrupt FDA.

While the Covid-19 chatter may seem quieter, rest assured that they are far from done pushing this narrative. Now is not the time to become complacent, as they are continuing to create ways to attack our most vulnerable and put our children at grave risk."

So it's not enough that Big Pharma is killing young people with the toxic jabs who don't need them, while attacking younger and younger age groups.
VAERS myocarditis already 47% of 2021 in just the first 2 months of 2022
Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis in Children May Have 50% Fatality Rate in Five Years

Now the FDA approves deadly and comparatively worthless Remdesivir for babies!
Dr.Bryan Ardis: "We are witnessing intentional medical GENOCIDE"
WHO "STUDY: Remdesivir Does Not Reduce COVID Mortality" or shorten hospital stay
Remdesivir for COVID-19 - little impact on survival, increases hospital stay

« Last Edit: May 27, 2022, 03:13:48 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?