Author Topic: Were vaccines animal tested? Another ridiculous Reuters so-called fact-check  (Read 381 times)


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[edit add 2-24-23] Any surprise that "fact checking" Reuters chairman sits on the board of Pfizer? [end edit]

Already aware of the truth, I felt compelled to investigate when an Internet forum sleuth presented this deceptive, ridiculous or ignorant-journalist's (to be kind) Reuters "fact-check" on whether the vaccines were tested on animals, as if it confirmed that they had been.
However, typical of self-proclaimed fact-checkers their article misleads, which is why folks need to perform their own due diligence using their analytical skills toward their own fact-checking, if they have an interest in truth. But then what can we expect from a news organization that: " agencies gathered on Monday, November 22, in Beijing, China, for the 4th World Media Summit - hosted by the official news agency of the Chinese Communist Party, the world's leading authority on propaganda." (bottom of the page)

The article could deceive someone into believing that the vaccines were actually tested on animals before rollout, which of course they were not. The vaccine recipients are the test animals and we won't even begin to know how things are working out in terms of waning immunity resulting pathogenic priming, until we emerge from the other end of the 2022 flu season. And we still won't have a clue in regard to long term vascular and immune system damage.
"Fact Check-COVID-19 vaccines did not skip animal trials because of animal deaths"

Their article even begins with an oxymoronic headline, since there would have had to have been animal trials in order to generate animal deaths. From the article:

"Posts claiming that COVID-19 vaccine producers skipped animal trials due to the animals in those trials dying are false.
Examples can be seen here and here .

First notice the caveat "due to the animals in those trials dying" that would seem to have been included to propagandize, because if they had been more honest about the question and written "Posts claiming that COVID-19 vaccine producers skipped animal trials, before injecting humans, are false.", it would have been an outright lie on Reuter's part.
Without even reading the article (I don't visit instagram or other censoring, propaganda sources) I've little doubt that the author was referring to the dead ferrets in the prior failed SARS mRNA vaccine animal trials.

So here's what we have to ask ourselves. Why did a big organization like Reuters pick out some obscure schmo's posts on Instagram to build a narrative around? Why not just go to experienced medical professionals and vaccinologists and ask if animal testing was performed on these novel "vaccines" prior to rollout, like asking mRNA vaccine technology inventor (and vaccinee himself) Dr. Robert Malone, or world renowned vaccinologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, or Dr. Peter McCullough (with 700 peer reviewed medical journal papers to his credit), as to whether they thought sufficient animal testing for these vaccines was done prior to rollout?

The answer is so obvious a person would have to be brain-dead not to see it. The purpose of the Reuters article, as in the case of virtually all self-proclaimed so-called "fact checkers", is not to check facts but to create propaganda to advance the narrative.

Typical of self-proclaimed fact-checkers they either set up a straw man to create a whole-cloth story around, or take advantage of articles and in this case even posts, penned by average Joes that may have worded things carelessly, thereby offering the self-proclaimed fact-checkers an opportunity to misconstrue the argument, to nourish their ignorant propagandized minion's confirmation biases.

The whole question is whether the current generation of vaccines were tested on animals SUFFICIENTLY, before subjecting human beings to them, to which the answer is an unequivocal "no". And the subject of animals dying in trials isn't about the trials they ran for the current vaccines but about animals dying in all prior failed mRNA vaccines, that failed because the ferrets died of hyper-immune responses to vaccine-enhanced disease after enough time passed for their immunity to wane and they were challenged by a wild virus. Why didn't Reuters mention the dead ferrets in the prior mRNA "vaccine" failures?
"In the development of vaccines against coronaviruses like SARS-COV-1 and MERS in the early 2000’s, researchers found evidence of a serious problem. Teams of U.S. and foreign scientists vaccinated animals with the four most promising vaccines. At first, the experiment seemed successful as all the animals developed a robust antibody response to coronavirus. However, when the scientists exposed the vaccinated animals to the wild virus, the results were horrifying. Vaccinated animals suffered hyper-immune responses including inflammation throughout their bodies, especially in their lungs."

So is jabbing a bunch of monkeys and mice and observing that they didn't get a bad case of COVID, sufficient testing, as this Reuters so-called "fact check" would like to suggest? If that were the case, then why do vaccines traditionally take about 10 years in trials (sometimes many more), before being widely accepted?

Reuters even seems to argue against their own "fact-checking" with:
"Due to time constraints and the urgency to find a vaccine for COVID-19, Moderna and Pfizer did receive approval to run animal testing and early trials on humans at the same time, as opposed to fully completing animal trials before moving on to human trials. This, however, does not mean animal trials were skipped or that the safety of the vaccines were compromised (here , here ,  here)."

So where is their data on the animal trials? Are they going to delay the release of that for 55 years like their other data? Do we have to wonder why?

The simple fact of the matter is there were no animal trials (except the prior failed mRNA vaxx animal trials) before human beings were subjected to the novel, unapproved, experimental, genetically engineered, chemically enhanced, innate immune response reprogramming, biological agents, so they did indeed essentially skip the animal trials. Besides which, where is the incentive for the same corporations that are profiting from the vaccines, to perform honest animal trials (they even trashed the human trials by vaccinating the control groups) - when they are already profiting from the product while at the same time enjoying complete exemption from liability for any damage the vaccines cause - since a poor outcome in any such trial would only stand to jeopardize their gravy train?

So vaccine makers tested on primates and mice and found that they prevented lung infection from COVID-19 - which is the same thing they observed in the ferrets of prior failed mRNA vaccines before they later died of vaccine-enhanced disease - which they also, so far, observe in the surviving human guinea pigs they are experimenting on. Which is nice but irrelevant in terms of safety based on what we know of the failure in animal testing phases of prior mRNA vaccine attempts, because the most important purpose of any mRNA vaccine animal trials at this point in time would be to test for the near as well as longer term side effects of the vaccines are. Including specifically in regard to vaccine-enhanced disease or pathogenic priming, since even the FDA continues to warn:

"However, risk of vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown and needs to be evaluated further in ongoing clinical trials and in observational studies that could be conducted following authorization and/or licensure."

So where are the ongoing animal trials that assure us that recipients will not be subjected to vaccine-enhanced disease as immunity wanes, that would result in "hyper-immune responses including inflammation throughout their bodies, especially in their lungs."? I found this NIH paper on the importance of animal trials but nothing about results regarding vaccine-enhanced disease as immunity wanes.

Might this surprising headline and quote from a doctor in Belgium offer an indication as to where things may be heading, at least in the human guinea pig leg of the trials:

"The patients in the ICU of our hospitals in GZA, I checked it yesterday, are all vaccinated."

For more on this subject:

And if you wonder about Reuters, there's no need to. They are perhaps firmly in Big Pharma's and the CCP's back pockets.

"Beyond Ivermectin: Our Freedom Stolen
by Justus R. Hope, MD

Senior members of Reuters, the Associated Press, TASS, and 260 other news agencies gathered on Monday, November 22, in Beijing, China, for the 4th World Media Summit - hosted by the official news agency of the Chinese Communist Party, the world's leading authority on propaganda.

Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the summit, the details of which appear on YouTube. com/watch?v=81yMzgXMrEU

Media should stick to "science and rational judgment" in their reporting, said Huang Kunming, a politburo member and head of the party's propaganda department, during a speech delivered at the Summit on November 22, 2021.

The glaring question emerges, what is US media doing at a propaganda training seminar in China? Why is the media being schooled in propaganda techniques by a totalitarian regime?  The types of speakers and their comments are revealing.

Vietnam is now a one-party communist state. The country fell under communist rule following the US withdrawal from South Vietnam in 1975.

The Vietnamese News Agency (VNA) spoke at the summit regarding their response to the pandemic, “The (Vietnamese) National News Agency has been consistently conveying the government’s message which puts people’s health and lives as top priority.” See mark :14.
https://youtu .be/L6nUEyd4ksc

Prensa Latina, the official news agency of Cuba, was represented by chairman Luis Enrique Gonzalez. Prensa Latina emerged with Fidel Castro in March of 1959, following the Cuban Revolution. However, the Havana-based agency has struggled due to the US blockade of the island and related economic hardship issues.

Gonzales guided the summit participants, and he “stressed the need to create new alliances, to work in networks, and exchange accurate information, avoiding disinformation and fake news.”

For those who may not appreciate my sarcasm, fake news is defined by Marxists as “any news that does not fit the state’s narrative,” regardless of whether true or false.

The South China Morning Post reported on all of this in an article entitled, "Keep Out Fake News in (the) Age Of COVID-19 Chinese propaganda chief urges world media.”

The South China Morning Post tells you they are trustworthy with their section, “Why you can trust the SCMP,” which might as well read, “Why you can trust the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”

But then we have harsh criticism waged by former journalists against SCMP, particularly those of Stephen Vines, who wrote this article, "Why I will no longer write for the South China Morning Post."

Vines, a veteran writer for the Post, decided to tell the world exactly why he resigned from the paper.

He wrote that the SCMP had become a propaganda machine for the CCP. He reviewed how previous totalitarian societies like Stalin's Russia had used the media to publish "forced confessions" from dissidents as pro-government propaganda. He accused the Post of becoming a "willing participant in a grotesque propaganda ploy to discredit the kidnapped and detained bookseller, Gui Minhai.”

Much, much more at the link:
« Last Edit: February 24, 2023, 11:34:30 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?