Author Topic: Scott Adams and Robin Koerner missed with "How the Unvaccinated Got It Right"  (Read 365 times)


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This thread is absolutely open to correction, addition or comment, particularly by either of the two named parties or others advocating for them.

A better subject and title than, "How the Unvaccinated Got It Right" or “The unvaccinated were the winners”, could have been:

Those who chose to rely on early treatment with the "Zelenko protocol" got it right.
Then in April of 2020 after the Doctors Rajtier's introduction of ivermectin at Broward Health....
Those who chose to rely on early treatment with $20 generic drug/nutraceutical protocols got it right.

Particularly since the early treatment group - no matter the individual's age or comorbidities - did not need to concern themselves with COVID-19 again, after learning about the Zelenko Protocol, that was developed in February and March and publicly announced unequivocally to President Trump and Mark Meadows on March 23rd of 2020 (to which Meadows did reply to Zelenko).
At least COVID was no concern for this group as long as they confirmed with their doctor in advance of infection, that he would treat them with the Zelenko Protocol, while additionally having concretely secured their supply of HCQ and/or IVM.
Click here to read Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's letter to Trump and Meadows on March 23rd of 2020 regarding his having treated 500 primarily elderly and high-risk patients with zero deaths zero intubations and zero hospitalizations.

Whether you are seeing their article or video for the first time or you have already read Robin's article or watched Scott's video, please review them while keeping in mind the unassailable knowledge that talented, dedicated clinicians have enjoyed up to 100% success with all patients that sought treatment on a timely basis, ever since March of 2020. Like Dr Brian Tyson and his team that have treated over 20,000 COVID patients with zero deaths in those treated before day 7 (Tyson credits Zelenko for the initial inspiration behind his COVID treatment success). Or that treated 150,000 COVID patients with 4 deaths (the 4 showed up too late for early treatment).

Here is a link to Robin Koerner's article: "How the Unvaccinated Got It Right"

For Scott Atlas' video that Koerner quoted: “The unvaccinated were the winners,”
Scroll to the 27:35 minute mark in the video player near page bottom
(or copy and paste:  into your browser)

Unfortunately Scott Adams and Robin Koerner both came up short of the mark, just as the vast majority of discussions have since March of 2020, even though the absolutely unassailable and concrete answer has been there all along. Three years into the "pandemic" they're still looking through Big Pharma's captured government and media's propaganda fog of "look over here, don't look over there", when the "look over here" they offer is a choice between vaccine risk VS COVID-19 risk, while their "don't look over there" - that remains largely unseen even to this day - has always been the ONLY safe and up to 100% effective option that is also statistically without risk, of EARLY treatment with $20 generic drug/nutraceutical protocols as administered by COVID-competent medical professionals.

Atlas' and Koerner's forensic analysis is focused on the "vaccine" to such an extent that they even hint that elderly and high-risk individuals may have benefited, by risking experimental injection with novel substances, that were never even tested on animals before rollout. Exposing the elderly to this risk even though all prior attempts at producing mRNA vaccines to mitigate SARS viruses in humans, failed during the animal testing phase.

CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors DYING LIKE FLIES After Vax Injections!

As was also discussed, whether someone got vaxxed or not was indeed never a matter of how "smart" a person was - particularly since most that got vaxxed, were likely made to feel compelled to, for one reason or another - but was simply a matter of whether an individual bothered to seek out uncensored truth and then calculate their personal risk VS reward ratio. Which as we increasingly learn was perhaps not favorable for anybody - in lieu of preparing for early treatment.
Make a rational vaxx decision based on facts, data and science for the risk vs benefit ratio

Nor is long COVID a concern for those treated early, because the SARS-CoV-2 virus is precluded from replicating inside the cells and thus prevents COVID-19 disease from progressing into the pulmonary or thrombotic phases or cytokine storm. It's a cinch that one would be hard pressed to find a single person with long COVID, that had received effective early treatment with one of the well known, complete, protocols as administered by a competent clinician. Preferably administered within 5, 3 or even the same day as the onset of symptoms, since both IVM and HCQ are safe enough to be available over the counter throughout much of the world. Ivermectin is even available OTC in Tennessee today! Even the instructions on Tamiflu say treatment must be initiated within 48 hours of symptom onset.

At the early treatment cure rates competent clinicians have enjoyed over the last 3 years, if our government had run PSAs announcing the good news - just as America's Front Line Doctors did in their video that received 17million views in 10 hours and was then erased by YouTube while the group was banned by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even their cowardly Internet host - the total U.S. COVID deaths could have been effectively zero rather than the 1.1 million completely avoidable deaths of those that were sacrificed on the alter of Big Pharma, Government, medical journal, bureaucrat, politician and legacy media profit.
Let alone the millions more COVID-dead worldwide that followed Fauci's U.S. lead.

Aside from the censorship of truth that allowed lies and propaganda to prevail, resulting in the mass homicide that has taken place, with perhaps the two biggest killers in 2020 that were were:
Anthony Fauci's "go home and isolate" with no early treatment recommendations[/b], which was a death sentence for many.
Then after sending folks to the hospital by deprivation of early treatment at home, came Fauci's NIH absence of early treatment recommendations as the "standard of care" which, if doctors or hospitals treat outside of that "standard" makes them more vulnerable to lawsuits. So some, particularly groups and hospitals, chose their Ferraris over their patient's lives.
NIH deadly recommendations compared to those of COVID-competent professionals

The information gathered in this forum archive, has been otherwise available on the Internet for over three years - though requiring a little work to see through the fog of censorship and Big Pharma's propagandists - to all those that were seeking to sufficiently inform their decisions.
Vaccine RISK VS BENEFIT - Pragmatism (absurdly put, "hesitant") VS blind obedience

Scroll to the 27:35 minute mark for this subject:

Is it any wonder that the U.S. has suffered one of the highest COVID death rates in the world?
Shouldn't Big Pharma and their captured NIH, CDC, FDA, legacy media, Big Tech, high-impact medical journals, Google/YouTube, and (anti)social media censors, be held accountable for the millions of COVID and "vaccine" deaths and disabilities they have been responsible for, since March of 2020?

Koerner on The War Room:
« Last Edit: February 19, 2023, 10:23:31 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?