Author Topic: Florida Surgeon General Tells Public Not To Get New COVID Booster - Ian Miller  (Read 192 times)


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"Florida Surgeon General Tells Public Not To Get New COVID Booster
by Ian Miller

COVID hysteria is back. As if it would ever leave.

Starting in March 2020 when “experts” took control of the government in order to advance their hypochondria, desire for control and ideological need for excessive safetyism, it became an inevitability that COVID policies would never permanently end.

Despite getting every major pandemic question wrong, outside of essentially just Florida, those same “experts” have been given free reign to continue their reign of failure at the drop of a hat.

And a seasonal increase, even a small one, in COVID cases over the past few weeks has served as a near perfect drop of a hat.

Mask mandates are back in certain schools, hospitals and even small colleges.

Activists continue their unchecked reign of misinformation, fear mongering about new variants that may be more transmissible, but show no sign of increased severity. The media continues just “asking questions” about the return of masks, tactically or openly advocating for their favorite virtue signaling opportunity to come back in full force.

But that’s not all.

After last fall’s bivalent booster was rushed to market with no supporting evidence, the CDC and other expert advisory committees are ready to run it back again. Even though the latest variant, dubbed BA 2.86, is wildly different than the Omicron-derived XBB 1.5, Pfizer, Moderna and their regulatory allies are pushing for the inevitable release of this year’s latest booster. And Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo is having none of it.

Florida Leads The Fight Against Endless, Unproven COVID Boosters

Even after the release of the bivalent booster, some experts who have yet to be ideologically captured were saying there’s “no evidence” showing that updated COVID doses are superior to the initial vaccination series.


And Ladapo is taking an early stand against this year’s attempt as well.

“There’s a new vaccine that’s coming around the corner, a new mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, and there’s essentially no evidence for it,” Ladapo said in a recent news conference. “There’s been no clinical trial done in human beings showing that it benefits people.”

He continued, “There’s been no clinical trial showing that it is a safe product for people — and not only that, but then there are a lot of red flags.”

Specifically, Ladapo said that the new doses could cause “cardiac injury” for “many people.”

Sounds exactly like the kind of thing the CDC and Biden administration would rubber stamp for release.

Few Others Willing To Criticize Government Obsession With Boosters

Ladapo is one of the few prominent credentialed experts willing to go against the tide of endless COVID boosters.

Instead of following the actual science and evidence, regulatory bodies have abandoned all pretense of objectivity. Whatever pharmaceutical companies demand, they’ll approve, even with no new data in support.

Boosters are the perfect example of the fundamentally broken relationship between the two groups. To further their ideological interests and avoid acknowledging that the original vaccination series failed to live up to expectations, there’s a shared incentive for both Pfizer and Moderna and their partners at the CDC and FDA to sign off on new products.

President Biden recently claimed that the he’s signing off on spending more money on unnecessary shots because these would “work.” And the media which is also incentivized to promote endless fear, panic and boosting, shows no interest in investigating why he’d say that with no supporting evidence.

So it’s fallen to Ladapo and a few independent experts to tell the truth; promoting yearly boosters that target already disappearing strains is a ludicrous precedent to set. Yet here we are, with the “experts” once again repeating the same mistakes they’ve already made.

Moderna buried data that showed how little efficacy there was in their bivalent boosters. This time around they don’t even need to try that hard to get what they want."
« Last Edit: September 10, 2023, 01:34:34 PM by admin »
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