Author Topic: Vaccine Coercion and Impact on Children, Pregnant Women & COVID Survivors - McCu  (Read 433 times)


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"Vaccine Coercion and Impact on Children, Pregnant Women & COVID Survivors
by Dr. Peter McCullough | May 24, 2021 | Healthcare, Politics,

Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the chief medical advisor to the president, is now advocating vaccination for children, pregnant women, and COVID-19 survivors, all of whom were excluded from the FDA approved registrational trials of the COVID-19 vaccines. “There is no doubt in my mind or in many of my public health colleagues that we’re already starting to see steps in that direction, where independent entities will likely be requiring proof of vaccination before you can either get on a plane or step into a university campus,” Fauci explained.

Dr. Harvey Risch talks about some of the real dangers in vaccinating children and pregnant women, “It’s irrational because young children particularly do not get very sick with COVID, they get fevers, and headaches, and tiredness, and that’s it. They don’t spread the virus, they certainly don’t die from the virus, so neither they nor the society around them has any interest in vaccinating them. The only thing that can happen to them is that they get some harm from the virus. Now we are starting to see fifteen-year-old children getting heart attacks, two-year-olds dying a day after the vaccination—a six-month-old dying from the child’s mother’s vaccination through her mother’s breast milk. So, children have no reason to die from vaccination.

Two studies out of the United Kingdom and one out of New York City show higher rates of vaccine adverse events when COVID-19 recovered patients are needlessly vaccinated, so in my view, these patients⏤it’s contraindicated for them to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. No evidence of benefit and only evidence of harm,” explains Dr. McCullough.

Dr. Peter McCullough is joined by Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor of Epidemiology at Yale University, appearing on The Ingraham Angle, FOX NEWS Laura Ingraham as they tackle recent comments from CDC and Anthony Fauci. Great information just in time."

See video at the link:
« Last Edit: June 13, 2021, 10:08:11 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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"Your Freedom Can be Won Back at the End of a Hypodermic Needle
by Dr. Peter McCullough | Jun 12, 2021 | Healthcare, Politics

This sounds like a science fiction movie, but it is happening in real life before our very eyes. The line of truth appears to be the vaccine, who will succumb and take it, and who will not. The first wave of either intentional or accidental bioterrorism was with the COVID-19 respiratory illness. The second wave is more insidious and broadly applied to a population prepared by months of fear and isolation…"

"Never in America or in the world could we have imagined that our fortunes and our fates would be inextricably linked to an injection of the novel, genetically designed, unsafe mRNA or adenoviral DNA vaccination.

As COVID-19 in America was crushed with early treatment, our new stable baseline of dwindled cases was established early in February when <2% of the public was fully vaccinated. Thus with an absolute risk reduction of <1% for all the vaccines, we know that the ill-fated mass program cannot claim victory over SARS-CoV-2.

Every day we seem to learn some new and disturbing facts about the genetically coded Wuhan spike protein, which is produced in the human body in an uncontrollable manner for two weeks or longer after injection in the arm. Recently we have learned that the mRNA distributes widely in the body and to all the organs, which is not what was originally advertised.

Disturbingly, the only organ that seems to accumulate the lipid particles carrying the mRNA is the ovaries. This has raised great concern from women who knew their menstrual periods were disturbed after vaccination. Additionally, it was discovered that the Moderna vaccine reduced fertility in animals, as reported in their regulatory dossier.

The US FDA did not require the usual studies to ensure that the vaccines do not cause birth defects, fetal loss, or cancer. Women are left feeling pressured and frightened with the menacing vaccine program as it invades their lives.

Finally, the gain of function, Wuhan spike protein product of Chinese bioterrorism has been measured in human subjects after mRNA vaccination for two weeks which is far longer than anyone assumed. Because the spike protein damages organs, injures blood vessels, and directly causes blood clotting, it makes sense that 40% of the COVID-19 vaccine deaths occur within three days of injection.

In many ways, the first wave of either intentional or accidental bioterrorism was with the COVID-19 respiratory illness. The second wave is more insidious and broadly applied to a population prepared by months of fear and isolation, with a propagandized and brainwashed medical and patient community vaccinating themselves with novel technology that codes for a circulating weapon of bioterrorism.

    This sounds like a science fiction movie, but it is happening in real life before our very eyes. The line of truth appears to be the vaccine, who will succumb and take it, and who will not."

« Last Edit: June 13, 2021, 01:14:31 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?