Author Topic: Big Pharma's propagandists are trying to pass off vaccine injury as long COVID  (Read 433 times)


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Big Pharma's and Illness Industry propagandists are trying to pass off vaccine injury as long COVID. They make it obvious in this goofy article. Since they admit it isn't currently a problem, it appears to be more of a front-running propaganda piece designed to soften up of the target (COVID deranged people) for the big lie coming up.
Their problem being that the leaky vaccines are at fault since the problem dates they cite are after "vaccine" rollout.

"Long COVID Could Be a ‘Mass Deterioration Event’
A tidal wave of chronic illness could leave millions of people incrementally worse off."

Meanwhile the clot shots have already left millions dead and permanently disabled.

As the sharp increase in all-cause mortality after vaxx rollout demonstrated.
All-cause mortality skyrockets in 2021 Data from Europe and the U.S. show

Killing kids and destroying their futures with myocarditis periocarditix is the problem - not long COVID.
VAERS myocarditis already 47% of 2021 in just the first 2 months of 2022
Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis in Children May Have 50% Fatality Rate in Five Years

Will they be trying to blame the vaccine caused increases in cancer and heart failure on long COVID too?

mRNA vaxx - functional reprogramming of innate immune responses- favoring cancer
CoV19 Vaccines are Poison – Karen Kingston - 20X cancer in future is conservative

NY Times Editor Dies of Heart Attack Day After Getting His Covid Booster
Heart Attacks Happen 71 Times More Often with COVID Vaxxes Than Other Vaxxes
UK Cardiologist on mRNA Vaccines and Heart Disease - researchers withhold data
California nurses report 'overwhelming' number of heart attacks, clotting
Canadian Doctor Believes Two-Thirds of Vaccinated Could Die of Heart Failure
MIT study finds COVID vaxxes 'significantly associated' emergency heart problems
Israeli study links COVID-19 vaccines to heart failure in young adults
Increased emergency cardiovascular events associated with vaccine rollout Israel
Athletes suffered at least 890 Cardiac Arrests and 579 Deaths following Vaccine
Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with long stretchy Rubbery Blood Clots

And worse yet:
Study Shows 8 In 10 Women Pre-3rd Trimester, Miscarried After Getting Covid Vaxx

VAERS - Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System - less than 1% are reported
Vaccine related deaths may be underreported by a factor of 20

Not that there's any shortage of Americans that suffer from COVID long-hauler as a result of their malpracticing negligent doctors that failed to prescribe effective early home based treatment protocols with the cheap generic drugs HCQ and IVM.
Followed by getting killed in the local hospital through the NIH "standard of care":
NIH deadly recommendations compared to those of COVID-competent professionals
« Last Edit: May 21, 2023, 09:38:56 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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"Nursing Reports From The Front Lines Of The COVID Vaccine Crisis

The massive propaganda campaign which led doctors to disassociate from the reality of widespread vaccine injuries is slowly weakening in impact. A stark reality is finally creeping in.

Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
Jun 14

I recently posted a deeply referenced compilation of evidence detailing the historic humanitarian catastrophe that has slowly unfolded within most advanced health economies across the world. Caused by a global mass vaccination campaign led by the Pharma masters of BMGF/WHO/CDC that illogically (but profitably) targeted a rapidly mutating coronavirus. They did it with what turned out to be the most toxic protein used therapeutically in the history of medicine. In vials mixed with lipid nano-particles, polyethylene glycol and who knows what else.

I cited studies and reports showing massive increases in cardiovascular deaths and neurologic (and other) disabilities amongst working age adults, beginning in 2021 only. A disturbing signal screaming from the original clinical trials data , VAERS data, life insurance data, disability data, reports of cardiac arrests of professional athletes, rises in ambulance calls for cardiac arrests in pre-heart attack age young people, and the massive increases in illnesses and data manipulations in Department of Defense databases.

As these events become more and more recognized by the average citizen (and occasional journalist), a new pathetic “Disinformation Campaign” was launched in response trying to blame all the young people dying as simply a need for increased awareness of the rare condition called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), rather than examples of the legions dying from the vaccines. The fact checkers also came out in support of this narrative, branding anyone who thinks the vaccines are the cause of SADS as a conspiracy theorist. Like this self-appointed social media watchdog. Mentions of SADS are popping up from many countries.. all in the last few weeks. Here, here, here, here and.. oh whatever. This article even listed a dozen such publicized deaths in the past few weeks from all over the world..but blamed them all on SADS. You get it. What is nauseating is the tone of purported good intention within these articles, informing folks that if you are related to someone young who died suddenly you should go see a cardiologist to make sure you don’t have an abnormal EKG. After it turns out normal, they will assuredly tell you to get vaccinated, an absurdity atop a mountain of absurdities caused by our bio-medical-media industrial complex over the past 2+ years.

Ugh, lets move on. In this post, I will move away from numbers and data and studies to give a more qualitative view of how the vaccines’ impacts are manifesting in the “belly of the beast,” (i.e. on the inside of a major academic medical center)."


"Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings

Reports From the Front Lines of the Vaccine Catastrophe - Part 2

Increasingly shocking evidence of the impacts of what Ed Dowd suggests we should start calling a "mass democide" (death by government) continues to emerge.
Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

In Part I of my “Reports from the Front Lines of the Vaccine Catastrophe,” I relayed first hand information from senior nurses who work in emergency rooms, hospital wards and intensive care units regarding unprecedented amounts of young people presenting with cancers, strokes, and heart attacks. For a brilliant, succinct layperson’s explanation as to the pathophysiology of how and why these medical events are occurring, please read this substack post by my friend and colleague Dr. Kevin Stillwagon (he is also an airline pilot).

My main source for the more detailed reports is a senior ER/ICU nurse who has been carefully observing and documenting the presentations and problems occurring in the care of vaccinated patients presenting to a major academic medical center. She has continued to discreetly and prudently extract information from a huge network of colleagues she has built over her career. She responded to my last post, adding new, even more alarming information. Here goes:"
« Last Edit: July 10, 2022, 10:26:34 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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From the second article in the OP:

    "There is a Long Covid study many employees as well as patients are participating in - I know two employees in it. Don't know that it is providing them any answers to their disabling issues, especially at their young age, but they're hopeful. They are true believers - got fully vaxxed and boosted and will continue to do so. And they continue to contract Covid variants. Pass it along to the rest of the same vaxxed-up cohort. Rinse and repeat.  To bring up data that points to the exponential and cumulative harm is just pointless. They want to die on the hill of believing they did the right thing, no matter what their bodies are telling them. Until they can no longer do so.

    ED doc - got him pulled aside but we had to go outside to talk. And yes, phone off. In ED, pt issues are discussed in a kind of code where it concerns vax injury as probable cause. Administrators wander through at all hourr so open discussions are just not happening. Residents are getting more frustrated - I guess its showing in staff meetings b/c they are seeing data and pts are bringing in data. Shift hand-off report can get tense, I was told. (Many suffering from the cognitive dissonance "I have hundreds of thousands in med school loans out. I cannot deviate or I lose everything and still owe all that loan money back. Must stick to what I am told") They become check-box doctors at that point. You either sell your soul, or seek your own data and research and then join the "French Medical Resistance"  - not an easy call for a 20-something to make. Not every patient is willing to walk in the dark about the very severe issues they are having, with PCPs telling them it's nothing to worry about. The push back is real from patients that chose to be informed and the ED docs have to find a way to address this at their level before they admit a pt or discharge with some vague diagnosis. I see future liability coming as the data keeps pushing out. More patients are asking for their FULL medical record. They know. They know. All the other stuff is still happening. Still have no space in cancer hospital side for the explosion of pts needing treatment - it is NOT b/c they delayed treatment due to the pandemic. It's because they just received a diagnosis that requires immediate intervention. Not from delayed screening or treatment initiation. According to the same case manager I spoke with weeks ago that is carrying a pt load of almost 1000 pts now, she is trying to get creative and find space at outpatient facilities closed on weekends and schedule her teams and patients to go to those sites with full equipment when it's appropriate to get infusion at least. This is crazy. She called asking if we could open up space in a specific area - and yes, we are doing it."

« Last Edit: July 09, 2022, 10:42:42 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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In the quest to find evermore creative terms for dangerous non-"vaccine" as well as ridiculously expensive experimental dangerous patented drug failure, they came up with yet another comical term for Joe Biden being COVID positive and then negative from dangerous  (had to take him off of two of his medications) of dangerous medication to again turning positive - "a Paxlovid rebound infection".
« Last Edit: July 31, 2022, 02:58:20 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?