Author Topic: Facebook whistleblowers on "vaccine hesitancy" alogrithym for censorship  (Read 470 times)


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A more traditional way to express "vaccine hesitancy" is pragmatism, or perhaps survival instinct.
Particularly regarding joining a drug trial of unapproved, experimental, biological agents and chemical combination, that was not tested on animals prior to experimenting on human beings, that was developed in only months when traditionally vaccine trials going through all the steps can take 12 years with only about a 2% success rate.
All to prevent a disease for which a couple of different $20 treatment protocols, have both been up to 100% successful in treatment of elderly and high-risk patients if started immediately upon the presentation of symptoms or clinical suspicion of COVID-19, ever since March of 2020.

So no surprise then that.....

Project Veritas on Facebook whistleblowers exposing "vaccine hesitancy" alogrithym for censorship of comments and "demotion" of user comment that appears to be pragmatic or uncertain in regard to receiving the unapproved, experimental, novel, mRNA biological agents or "vaccine".
Basically "If you don't get the vaccine you will be singled out as an enemy of society." morphing eventually into a "if you don't agree with us you will be considered an enemy of society."

« Last Edit: May 31, 2021, 04:49:51 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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'It's highly immoral to censor users with vaccine concerns': Facebook whistleblower reveals himself and says he has been suspended by the tech giant after leaking internal documents exposing its 'vaccine hesitancy' censorship campaign

    Morgan Kahmann appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight after he leaked internal documents exposing the tech giant's 'vaccine hesitancy' censorship campaign
    He initially come forward anonymously to Project Veritas with documents allegedly showing Facebook was testing a 'beta' version of the algorithm
    Kahmann, who said he has since been suspended from the company, told Carlson that Facebook's alleged actions went against his 'moral compass'
    'They're afraid of what people might conclude if they see that other people are having negative side effects,' he said

By Ariel Zilber and Reporter and Associated Press

Published: 01:28 EDT, 28 May 2021 | Updated: 03:04 EDT, 28 May 2021

The Facebook whistleblower who leaked internal documents exposing the tech giant's 'vaccine hesitancy' censorship campaign has identified himself and spoke out about his experiences in the aftermath.

Morgan Kahmann appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight and said he decided to come forward because he believed it was 'highly immoral' that Facebook is allegedly censoring the content of its users without their knowledge.

Kahmann had initially come forward anonymously to Project Veritas with leaked documents allegedly showing that the company was testing a 'beta' version of the algorithm to target anti-vaxxers.

The data center technician alleged to Carlson that posts that went 'outside of the realm' of promoting vaccines is considered 'vaccine hesitancy' by Facebook's algorithms.

'They're afraid of what people might conclude if they see that other people are having negative side effects. They think that this is going to drive up vaccine hesitancy among the population and they see that as something that they have to combat,' Kahmann said.

Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?