Author Topic: 1,900 COVID+ elderly and high-risk individuals 0 deaths 1 hospitalization  (Read 3481 times)


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Please read the important disclaimer at the following link before proceeding further on this page. The administrator of this forum is not a doctor nor licensed or experienced in any aspect of the health care industry.

Update: 6-18-21: Dr. Brian Tyson and his team by April 25th had treated 5,000 elderly and high-risk patients with only 6 hospitalizations and 2 deaths (Zero deaths in patients that were treated before day 7). Please watch this important video:


Update (~11-30-20):  More recently there have been a number of developments and studies that seem to show Ivermectin to be superior in efficacy to, and more immediately effective than hydroxychloroquine (particularly as prophylaxis), and Ivermectin is even effective in later hospital inpatient stages of COVID-19. In both cases, the earlier treatment begins the more effective the treatment will be.
Blessedly Ivermectin is another long standing, safe, cheap, generic drug that has had billions of doses taken by humans, including through mass treatment. Please review the thread on this wonder drug and then revisit this thread later.

[edit add 11-28-21] Found this older shorter video recently

[end edit]

Dr Brian Tyson saw over 17,000 patients, risk-stratified and treated 1,900 COVID positive elderly or high-risk individuals, from 11 months old to 90 years old, with 0 deaths and one hospitalization (of 4 days).
If the video in the player immediately below becomes banned by Google/YouTube you can watch it on BitChute at this link:

Later, by the time of the video below, 1,900 patients treated with zero deaths (9:30 mark).

Very important videos by highly successful treating physicians at this link. Scroll down to the Summit 1 videos from 2020:

"One America News Network (OAN) showed 18 physicians standing on the steps of SCOTUS. Several doctors took turns speaking of personal experiences treating patients.

Dr. Tyson is a board-certified family medical physician. He has 14 years of experience with hospital and emergency rooms.

“We looked the coronavirus head on. We saw over 20,000 patients in person,” said Dr. Tyson. According to him, he treated 1,900 positive patients whose age ranged from 11-months to 90-years old.

“We treated this virus early. We treated this virus aggressively. We only had one hospitalization and zero deaths. Zero deaths, because we were not going to stand by and allow people to die without treatment,” Dr. Tyson said.

“We were at the heart of the pandemic due to our large Hispanic and diabetic population.” Dr. Tyson said Imperial Valley shares an international border in the south with Mexicali, Mexico which has a population of 1.5 million residents.

“We were told to stop testing. We were told to stop prescribing. But we didn’t. We continued to treat patients,” said Dr. Tyson. “We sent them home with treatment. We re-evaluated and every one of them survived.”

Finally, he said we can go back to school, to work, to life, and to being American again. “We do not need to let fear take away our freedom.”

Dr. George Fareed is a family medicine physician with privileges at both Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District in Brawley and El Centro Regional Medical Center in El Centro who specializes in HIV/AIDS and sports medicine.

“Dr. Tyson gave the best talk of them all. We should be proud of him,” said Dr. Fareed, who spoke highly of his colleague. Both physicians use hydroxychloroquine in their treatment of patients.

The use of hydroxychloroquine as a curative treatment of COVID-19 is effective when administered within five to seven days, according to Dr. Fareed. “The treatment results are irrefutable.” 
« Last Edit: November 28, 2021, 11:17:11 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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One of Dr. Tyson's colleagues, Dr. George Fareed Part 1
His group also had 100% success.

Part 2 where Dr. Fareed discussed Dr. Fauci and agencies. Video apparently banned from YouTube
« Last Edit: March 07, 2021, 08:31:50 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Dr. Brian Tyson’s First-Person Account of Treating COVID-19 with Hydroxychloroquine
« Last Edit: January 07, 2021, 07:25:10 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Banned video of AFLD in Washington at this link:


We made the news in late September and October when we started publishing our data, and people realized that we may well have seen more COVID-19 patients face-to-face than anyone in the nation. We did that and have not recorded a single death for anyone that was placed on our treatment. We did have to call EMS on two patients that presented to our Urgent Care in respiratory failure and were sent to the hospital before we could start treatment.  Sadly one of those died, and for the other, we were unable to get follow-up information. As of today, for patients who received out early treatment we have over 1900 COVID-19 positive recovered patients, a 100% success rate.

This brought the call to go to Washington, DC.


The process in preparation for speaking on the steps of the US Supreme Court was intimidating. Those invited were all highly intelligent physicians, scholars, lawyers, and researchers. I felt like I was out of my league, and once again I was scared. What will they think? What if I mess up? What if I get laughed at and ridiculed? I still needed to make a statement. I still needed to tell our story.

I still needed to be heard.

Dr. Simone Gold wanted a passionate speech with facts from all of us. After our meetings in DC and the recordings we all did, I felt it was my time  The fear had left me, just like it left me at the clinic in treating all the COVID-19 patients. The staff had been sick but survived. Students were sick and survived. Two of my Nurse Practitioners, both my sons and my manager’s mom with MS, all got COVID-19 and survived. That is where my speech came from. It was the buildup and resolution of fear that had us all so scared in the beginning, but now realizing there is treatment.

My Speech

 “We can go back to school! We can go back to work! We can go back to life! We can go back to being Americans! We will not let fear take our freedom!” I spoke on those steps.

That was a moment I will never forget. It truly was incredible. I have always wanted to do something great for my country, knowing that my grandfathers served in WW2, Vietnam, and Korea. I thought of my grandpa Tyson. My dad served in Vietnam.  How scared were they? What must it have been like to have to go into an actual war?  This is my war, and it’s not over.

We are still fighting the fight, and we will continue to do so. I hoped the video would be a tool that other physicians could see and hear. We need everyone to be able to see the success we had. When it was finally posted on YouTube, it was exciting, it started to go viral, and then something happened.

It was taken down!
[17 million views within the first 24 hours can hardly be described as having "started" to go viral!]

Why? Why would you take down a video with the knowledge, research, links, and website where everyone can see what we are doing! Why?  I don’t have any reason. I can’t believe that Big Tech and Government controls want to see people die. Why would you take down the message of hope? Why would you take down the message of treatment? Why do you want to continue living in fear when there are clear treatment options now?

There are multiple options. Peter McCullough and his peers published the first peer-reviewed pathway to outpatient treatment in the American Journal of Medicine, and that too was recently taken down. We had to call on Senate influence to have them re-publish it!

That should upset people all over the world.

Think about it, the world is looking to us to find a treatment or a cure, and when we do, it gets taken down? Most people would be like – WTF? I was able to channel that anger, I was able to get raw video, and we published it again and again.

We will keep publishing it over and over until it is recognized all over the world that we don’t need to be afraid anymore."

People need to know that we will survive this pandemic, just like those of the past. There is treatment available. It works when used early, and it is very effective.

We will get our voices heard because we hear the cry of those in our care. Physicians are people too; we have families and kids.  We would never advocate for something we didn’t believe.

Scientists are different: they have financial motives and incentives. They have research that needs to be funded, and while they may have the best of intentions, they do not work on the frontlines. They do not care for patients; they do not have to explain the risks and benefits of treatments. They are not there when patients break down and cry when they are told they have a positive test. They don’t have to explain to a 9-year-old girl that she will not kill her parents just because she is positive.

Scientists have no skin in the game and no emotional pain when things don’t go their way. This virus has killed people and it will kill more. The question is, how many more will die unnecessarily due to not getting the available treatment?

How many will die in fear, and how many will die alone?

My final point is this: When you get sick, you do not go to the CDC or the NIH or call the FDA to get diagnosed and treated.  You go to your doctor. You go to the people who have seen the disease before and know how to treat it. This virus is no different.

Brian Tyson is a board certified family physician in El Centro, California.

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« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 04:52:54 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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"Impressive Proof that HCQ and Ivermectin Will Cure COVID When Protocols Are Followed"
« Last Edit: November 28, 2021, 11:18:51 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?