Author Topic: The Hydroxychloroquine Scandal  (Read 993 times)


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The Hydroxychloroquine Scandal
« on: August 26, 2020, 09:44:12 AM »
Please read this important and exhaustive expose at the following link, that includes many embedded links. Please send it along to everybody on your email list. Articles like this are basically impossible to run across on the internet because Google/YouTube, Facebook and Twitter ban truth. You can include a link to this article and this forum section, but if you put it on Facebook for example, you will likely see it get one or two hits before Facebook shadow bans it. The only clue you will have that it has gone dark, is that the number of followers that you have that normally click on your links with not arrive.

The Hydroxychloroquine Scandal

"Bill Gates and Boris Johnson were the keynote speakers at the summit. In his address, Johnson stated:

    'I want to say a particular thank you to Bill and Melinda Gates for their generosity, their philanthropy, yet again, and their continued leadership in humanity's battle against disease … Just as we have great military alliances like NATO … so we now need that same spirit of collaboration and collective defence against the common enemy of disease … It will require a new international effort to co-operate on the surveillance and sharing of information that can underpin a global alert system … it will need a radical scaling-up of our global capacity to respond, exactly as Bill [Gates] has set out.'

As Johnson's comments reveal, there is much more than just healthcare riding on the back of Coronavirus vaccine development. The vaccine itself sits at the centre of a web of surveillance, restricted freedom of movement and restricted access to employment and services based upon your allocated immunity status.

"The WHO's Solidarity Trials to test hydroxychloroquine were launched on 18 March. The WHO stated that four hundred hospitals in thirty-five countries had recruited 3,500 patients to take part. At the same time, the WHO launched its Solidarity Trial for potential vaccines.

The UK government did not take part in the WHO's Solidarity trials, instead running their own Recovery Trial and separate COPCOV and PRINCIPLE trials.

The Recovery Trial's core funding comes from the Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust and Oxford University, among others. Oxford University is running vaccine trials, in partnership with AstraZeneca. The Recovery Trial was not investigating the prophylactic potential of hydroxychloroquine.

The COPCOV trial was due to assess hydroxychloroquine’s prophylactic efficacy in protecting healthcare workers against contracting COVID-19.

The PRINCIPLE trial was perhaps the most relevant of all. Vulnerable over-fifties, and people over 65, were to be offered hydroxychloroquine in a large-cohort study of patients in primary care (GP practices and community care settings).

In France, Inserm ran its own Discovery Trials in parallel with the WHO's Solidarity Trials. Again, they were only assessing hydroxychloroquine in isolation, for the most ill patients. Only the UK's COPCOV and PRINCIPLE trials were assessing potential preventive efficacy. COPCOV also had an international arm.

However, none was trialling the recommended Marseilles Treatment.

Initially Inserm refused point-blank to trial hydroxychloroquine at all. Four days before the launch of the WHO's Solidarity Trials, Prof. Yazdan Yazdanpanah, head of France's health emergency rapid response committee (REACTing — REsearch and ACTion targeting emerging infectious diseases) stated that the Discovery Trials would exclude chloroquine (hydroxychloroquine) and would only trial patented drugs:

    We have not retained it [hydroxychloroquine] for the moment, in particular because of its undesirable effects. It also has frequent interactions with other drugs. However, intensive care patients are often treated with multiple drugs.

This followed a decision on 15 January, made by the then French Minister of Solidarity and Health, Agnès Buzyn, to reclassify hydroxychloroquine in all its forms as a poisonous substance.

Prior to this decision, for more than fifty years, the French had been able to buy hydroxychloroquine over the counter. Once demand shot through the roof, as the COVID-19 crisis unfolded, they suddenly could no longer get it without a prescription."

"A whole new tech industry, combining global corporations and intelligence agencies, is springing up to monitor, control and surveil populations. Perhaps we could call this the "disease intelligence industrial complex.""

"The only released data has come from the Recovery Trial, also referenced by the WHO. Yet the Recovery Trial has also been exposed as scientific nonsense. The Deputy Chief Investigator of the Recovery Trial, Prof. Martin Landray, gave an interview to France-Soir. What he revealed was quite remarkable.

Firstly, the mortality rate of the hydroxychloroquine patients was a staggering 25.7%.

The recommended hydroxychloroquine dose for an adult in the UK is no more than 200 — 400 mg per day. In France, 1800 mg per day is considered to be lethal poisoning.

Yet, across 175 UK hospitals, 1542 patient participants in the Recovery Trial were given 2400 mg (six times the recommended maximum dose), in the first twenty-four hours. This was followed up by ten days at twice the recommended maximum dose at 800 mg.

It isn't really clear what the objective was. This wasn't so much a trial of effectiveness; it looked more like an experiment in toxic poisoning. That would seem to account for the atrocious mortality rate.

Explaining that the dose was chosen by using computer-generated mathematical models, Prof Landry stated:

    "The doses were chosen on the basis of pharmacokinetic modelling, and these are in line with the sort of doses that you use for other diseases such as amoebic dysentery.....For a new disease such as Covid, there is no approved dosing protocol. But the HCQ dosage used [is] not dissimilar to that used, as I said, in for example amoebic dysentery."

Hydroxyquinoline — not hydroxychloroquine — is used for the treatment of amoebic dysentery. Perhaps it is not without good reason that Prof. Didier Raoult described the Recovery Trial as "the Marx Brothers doing science," though given the terrible death toll, it doesn't really seem like much of a laughing matter.

What can we conclude from all this? It seems the WHO, the MHRA, Inserm, and public health bodies around the world have used fake science, fake data, deliberately destructive studies and what appears to be wilful ignorance to make sure hydroxychloroquine is never trialled as a preventive COVID-19 treatment.

The repeated statements, from numerous sources, that there is no scientific evidence to justify the use of the Marseilles Treatment as a prophylactic treatment for COVID-19 are risible. Should it ever be widely acknowledged as effective, the already spurious argument for a COVID-19 vaccine would be wholly untenable.

Only the most naive could imagine there aren't many powerful individuals, foundations and institutions, including governments, who wish to stop the preventive treatment efficacy of HCQ+AZ with zinc ever being proven.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has stated that it will continue to advocate the use of hydroxychloroquine for front-line health workers, as no notable adverse reactions were evident. Dr Samiran Panda, director of the ICMR-National AIDS Research Institute, reported the results of Indian trials into its use as a prophylactic treatment for health professionals:

    The main conclusion that can be drawn after analysing the data is that hydroxychloroquine has beneficial effects in infection risk reduction from the fourth dose onwards…….[hydoxychloroquine] will help cut the risk of infection by 80% in healthcare workers who are not already sick."
« Last Edit: August 28, 2020, 04:54:19 PM by Administrator »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?