Author Topic: For those that trust Fauci, Big Pharma & Big Tech, get ready for your next jab  (Read 459 times)


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For those that watch establishment TV or visit Big Pharma shill websites like Google, Facebook and Twitter, and as a result drank the kool-aid the first time around, you can not only forget about taking your mask off but get ready to be summoned to be enrolled in the next drug trial, of yet another, unapproved, experimental, novel, genetically engineered biological/chemical agent, peddled under the pretext of mitigating the latest scarient. Big Pharma and their shills in Big Government, Big Tech and the legacy media want Americans to continue to live in sheer terror regardless of how favorable stats on herd immunity become, perhaps to help Big Pharma dump their rapidly piling-up "vaccines" as well as to continue to control uncritical minds.
Can we expect Bill Gates to attempt another go at Africa, toward vaccine disposal?

For the rest of us it is good news that the Delta strain of COVID is spreading rapidly because, contrary to administration lies, according to the articles that follow it is a weaker strain and about equivalent to a typical seasonal flu, and it appears to be crowding out the slower spreading and more deadly strains of COVID. Which is how viral epidemics peter out. Devolving into weaker and more rapidly spreading strains, as the second image in this post graphically illustrates. At least that's the way that natural viruses that weren't genetically engineered in a lab typically devolve.

Big Pharma profits from a waning plandemic and subsiding panic, won't be offset by earnings in near 100% successful $20 early treatment protocols and prophylaxis against COVID, that use safe, cheap, time-tested, generic drugs.

Is this new Delta scarient panic being ginned up as a test of ignorance and obedience to a State that wants its compliant subjects to continue to hide behind masks, so that citizens remain suspicious of and distanced from each other, rather than being suspicious of and distanced from corrupt Big Government and Big Pharma? The unapproved, experimental, narrowly focused, genetically engineered chemical agent folks got jabbed with the first time around - to mitigate a flu that competent, dedicated, physicians have enjoyed virtually 100% success in treatment of their elderly and high-risk patients with ever since March of 2020 - we now learn from a biodistribution study out of Japan, did not remain near the injection site as expected, but the toxic pathogenic proteins that "vaccinated" folk's systems are manufacturing enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the system to the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, particularly the ovaries, and may even be capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier.

The narrowly focused "vaccine" may also be training the SARS-CoV-2 virus to mutate into additional novel corona viruses that never would have otherwise existed, in order to work its way around the vaccine, as many had predicted.

So what's in the news of late? I encourage you to not waste your time reading more than bolded font, and then come back to the following article if desired, after reviewing the articles that follow it.

"‘Bringing back mask mandate is a good idea’: doctor on Delta variant
Seana Smith
Tue, June 29, 2021, 8:59 AM

The World Health Organization’s decision to encourage those who are fully vaccinated to wear masks as a result of the highly transmissible Delta variant is "a good idea," according to University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix’s Dr. Shad Marvasti.

“We don’t want to wait until after the fact and get caught with this thing already ahead of us when we know that masks work,” Marvasti told Yahoo Finance Live. “To put this in context, the Alpha variant, which originated out of the UK, was about 50% more infectious and transmissible. The Delta variant is 60% more infectious than that.”

The Delta variant, which was first identified in India, has now spread to more than 80 countries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials warn it will likely become the dominant strain in the U.S. in a matter of weeks as infections attributable to the highly contagious variant spread rapidly nationwide. COVID-19 cases caused by the Delta variant currently account for about one-fifth of new coronavirus infections in the U.S., according to the CDC.

PERTH, AUSTRALIA - JUNE 29: Members of the public are seen wearing face masks in the CBD during Lockdown on June 29, 2021 in Perth, Australia. Lockdown restrictions have come into effect across the Perth and Peel regions for the next four days, following the confirmation of new community COVID-19 cases linked to the highly contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus. From midnight, residents in the Perth and Peel regions are only permitted to leave their homes for essential reasons, including purchasing essential goods, receiving medical care, or caring for the vulnerable. People may leave home to get vaccinated or to exercise within a 5-kilometre radius of their home. Weddings are restricted to five people, funerals to 10 people while gyms, beauty and hair salons, casinos and nightclubs must close. (Photo by Matt Jelonek/Getty Images)
PERTH, AUSTRALIA - JUNE 29: Members of the public are seen wearing face masks in the CBD during Lockdown on June 29, 2021 in Perth, Australia. Lockdown restrictions have come into effect across the Perth and Peel regions for the next four days, following the confirmation of new community COVID-19 cases linked to the highly contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus. (Photo by Matt Jelonek/Getty Images)

“The CDC needs to act quickly, without waiting, to follow the WHO guidelines and ask everyone to put the masks back on so we can stay open, protect folks, and keep the economy going,” Marvasti said. “We’re already seeing preliminary numbers out of Israel where fully vaccinated people are getting sick.”

Preliminary findings by Israeli health officials found that about half of adults infected by the Delta variant in the country were fully vaccinated, the Wall Street Journal reported, and as it stands now, the Delta variant is likely causing about 90% of new infections in Israel."

[Doesn't that seem to indicate that getting vaccinated against the old strain, with what could be an obsolete vaccine, might be somewhat pointless? Or could vaccinated people getting sick be a harbinger of pathogenic priming or an enhanced immune response, resulting from "vaccination", particularly since it would seem the Delta scarient is only about as deadly as an average influenza virus?
Wasn't the whole reason folks risked becoming participants in drug trials, of unapproved, experimental, genetically engineered, biological, chemical agents, was so that they wouldn't get sick?]

"Outbreaks of infections largely driven by the Delta variant have prompted governments from around the world to reimpose coronavirus-related restrictions. South Africa is imposing at least two weeks of lockdowns while about 10 million Australians are also under lockdown. Here in the U.S., Los Angeles County officials are urging all residents to wear masks in public indoor spaces, regardless of vaccination status.

We have gotten into this false sense of security thinking it's okay to take off masks,” warned Marvasti. “The best thing to do is to start putting the masks back on to prevent another surge from happening, and if you’re unvaccinated, now is the time to get vaccinated before this Delta variant comes for you.”"

Let's consider the risk vs benefit ratio as to whether we should become hysterical and rush out to get vaccinated (to the former strain) because the Delta scarient is "coming for" the great unvaccinated. If you want a little spoiler preview, scroll down to the last image in this post!


"Biden Called Out for Falsely Claiming Delta Variant Is 'Deadlier' Than Previous Strains

President Joe Biden falsely claimed that the delta COVID-19 variant gaining steam worldwide was "deadlier" than previous strains in a Thursday tweet accompanied by a video of White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci encouraging viewers to get vaccinated.

"Here’s the deal: The Delta variant is more contagious, it’s deadlier, and it’s spreading quickly around the world – leaving young, unvaccinated people more vulnerable than ever," Biden said. "Please, get vaccinated if you haven’t already. Let’s head off this strain before it’s too late."

The scarients are, of course, Team Apocalypse's go-to play now that America is getting back to normal. Even as one recedes, the next one is always out there, lurking, waiting to pounce, overwhelm hospitals, and stack up dead bodies in the streets if people refuse to obey the orders of hallowed public health officials.

Fauci recently called Delta the "greatest threat" in the U.S., and the ongoing narrative is that kids and unvaccinated, mostly young people are prone to a potentially deadly date with delta. But even if it's more transmissible, is it really "deadlier"? Younger people haven't, after all, been at any statistical risk with any of the previous versions of COVID-19.

Thankfully, a plethora of U.K. data, where delta has already run rampant, shows that this strain, in fact, seems to be significantly LESS lethal than its predecessors."

"The Blaze's Daniel Horowitz explains:

    As you can see, the Delta variant has a 0.1% case fatality rate (CFR) out of 31,132 Delta sequence infections confirmed by investigators. That is the same rate as the flu and is much lower than the CFR for the ancestral strain or any of the other variants. And as we know, the CFR is always higher than the infection fatality rate (IFR), because many of the mildest and asymptomatic infections go undocumented, while the confirmed cases tend to have a bias toward those who are more evidently symptomatic.

    In other words, Delta is literally the flu with a CFR identical to it. This is exactly what every respiratory pandemic has done through history: morphed into more transmissible and less virulent form that forces the other mutations out since you get that one. Nothing about masks, lockdowns, or experimental shots did this. To the extent this really is more transmissible, it's going to be less deadly, as is the case with the common cold. To the extent that there are areas below the herd immunity threshold (for example, in Scotland and the northwestern parts of the U.K.) they will likely get the Delta variant (until something else supplants it), but fatalities will continue to go down."

"Follow the science: ‘Deadly’ Delta variant registers a 99.9+% recovery rate
We should celebrate, not fear, Delta dominance.

Jordan Schachtel
Jun 28

You wouldn’t know it by following the corporate press and the usual suspects who traffic in endless amounts of COVID Mania fear mongering, but the actual data on the much hyped Delta variant (sometimes referred to as the Indian variant) that you keep hearing about doesn’t fit the “deadly” virus narrative that is being advertised to the public.

Don’t take it from me. Here’s the data straight from the U.K. government, which is tracking this mutation as sporting a case fatality rate of 0.1%."

Much more including an assortment of brainwashing legacy media propaganda.

Excerpts. Best to go directly to link.

Horowitz: The Delta deception: New COVID variant might be less deadly
Daniel Horowitz
June 23, 2021

"This COVID variant will be the one to really get us. No, it's this one. Well, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma weren't a problem, but I promise you 'the Delta' spells the end of civilization.

That is essentially the panic porn dressed up as science that we have been treated to ever since the virus declined in January following the winter spread, which appears to have given us a great deal of herd immunity. Despite the advent of the British and South African variants, cases, not to mention fatalities, have continued to plummet in all of the places where those variants were supposedly common. Which is why they are now repeating the same mantra about the "Delta" variant from India.

The headlines are screaming with panic over the impending doom of the Delta variant hitting the U.S.:

    "WHO says delta is the fastest and fittest Covid variant and will 'pick off' most vulnerable" (CNBC)
    "Highly contagious Delta variant could cause next COVID-19 wave: 'This virus will still find you'" (CBS)
    "Delta Variant Gains Steam in Undervaccinated U.S. Counties" (Bloomberg)
    "The Delta variant might pose the biggest threat yet to vaccinated people" (Business Insider)

And of course, no list would be complete without the headline from Dr. Fauci yesterday, stating that the "Delta variant is the greatest threat in the US.

The implication from these headlines is that somehow this variant is truly more transmissible and deadly (as the previous variants were falsely portrayed to be), they escape natural immunity and possibly the vaccine — and therefore, paradoxically, you must get vaccinated and continue doing all the things that failed to work for the other variants!"

"You can see almost a perfect inverse relationship between hospitalization rates throughout April and May plummeting as the Delta variant became the dominant strain of the virus in England. Some areas might see a slight oscillation from time to time as herd immunity fills in, regardless of which variant is floating around. However, the death burden is well below that of a flu season and is no longer an epidemic.

As for vaccines, there is no evidence that somehow they provide better protection than prior infection from any other strain of the virus, nor does the Delta variant justify further use of these experimental shots. If anything, the U.K. data show that, to the extent there were deaths due to the Delta variant, there were more fatalities among those already vaccinated relative to the number of confirmed cases by vaccination status."

"Thus, the good news is that now that most countries have reached a large degree of herd immunity, there is zero threat of hospitals being overrun by any seasonal increase in various areas, no matter the variant. The bad news is that after Delta, there are Epsilon and 19 other letters of the Greek alphabet, which will enable the circuitous cycle of misinformation, fear, panic, and control to continue. And remember, as there is already a "Delta+," the options are endless until our society finally achieves immunity to COVID panic porn."

Perhaps it's not as it appears, but based on the prior table it would seem that the more vaccinated a person is, the more likely they are to be killed by the Delta scarient. But since we're talking a total of only 71 - little doubt highly vulnerable people - out of 60,624, that's only a slightly more than 1/10 of 1% mortality rate (about the same death rate as the typical seasonal flu).
« Last Edit: December 26, 2021, 04:26:13 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Pretty timely thread entry. Someone sent me this today. And so it begins.....

"AstraZeneca begins trials for modified booster vaccine against Beta variant of COVID-19

New Delhi: The British-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca along with the University of Oxford on Sunday (June 27, 2021) started new trials to assess a modified vaccine against the Beta variant of COVID-19, which first emerged in South Africa. According to AFP reports, the booster COVID-19 vaccine trials will be conducted upon 2,250 individuals from Britain, South Africa, Brazil and Poland.

These 2,250 participants are those who have been fully vaccinated with two doses of the original Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine or an mRNA vaccine such as Pfizer."

Not only "get ready for your next jab", but some can rush out and even get it already! Maybe get as lucky as these folks!

So the question begs, was the whole reason Big Pharma took the extremely ill-advised step of vaccinating in the middle of a pandemic (of a highly curable disease), with very narrow single-spike protein focused vaccines, specifically so that vaccinated persons franken-systems could create a vast array of variants able to skirt around the first vaccines, that Big Pharma could then enjoy a future of unlimited production of additional narrowly focused vaccines for an unlimited number of scarients?

When Youtube bans the video in the player below you can access it at BitChute here:

« Last Edit: July 03, 2021, 02:47:56 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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« Last Edit: July 03, 2021, 01:00:39 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?