Author Topic: Indian state with 240 million people completely eradicated covid with ivermectin  (Read 353 times)


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"Indian state with 240 million people completely eradicated covid with ivermectin
September 23, 2021 dreddymd

How did an Indian state with more than 240 million residents beat the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)? Simple. Its people took ivermectin.

Uttar Pradesh, located in northern India, has officially declared that all 33 of its districts are now “covid-free” thanks to a benevolent effort by the leaders there to provide everyone with “horse dewormer.”

The recovery rate for the Chinese Virus in Uttar Pradesh is a whopping 98.7 percent, which can be directly attributed to the large-scale prophylactic use of ivermectin.

According to the Western media and medical establishment, there is “no evidence” that ivermectin provides any benefits in the fight against Chinese Germs. According to real-life, on-the-ground proof in India, however, ivermectin really has been a miracle.

It was not too long ago that ivermectin was touted by the Journal of Antibiotics as a “wonder drug” for treating intestinal parasites. The inventors of ivermectin were also awarded a Nobel Prize for discovering the substance.

Now, however, ivermectin is being vilified as “dangerous” and “high-risk” by the media and the government. We are constantly being told that ivermectin is just for cattle or horses, even though the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it for human use back in 1996.

Areas of India that chose “vaccines” instead of ivermectin seeing massive surge in new cases

Back in May and June 2020, ivermectin was widely administered to all respiratory care professionals working in the Uttar Pradesh district of Agra. At the time, this was an experiment to see how recipients fared.

It was observed, according to Dr. Anshul Pareek, that “none of them developed Covid-19 despite being in daily contact with patients who had tested positive for the virus.”

Following this successful trial, the state government decided to officially sanction the use of ivermectin as a Chinese Virus remedy, not only for medical workers but later for the general public.

“Despite being the state with the largest population base and a high population density, we have maintained a relatively low positivity rate and cases per million of population,” Pareek explained.

In August, officials in Uttar Pradesh issued a notification advising doctors there to take 12 mg tablets of ivermectin “to contain the impact of the pandemic.” This recommendation turned out to be a major success.

“This medicine is quite effective in protecting from COVID-19,” the government admitted. “Therefore, we appeal each and every citizen to have this tablet.”

In the tiny southern Indian state of Kerala, meanwhile, new “cases” of the Fauci Flu have been soaring. The reason is that instead of going with ivermectin, Kerala instead opted for “vaccines,” which are spreading more disease.

“Kerala included ivermectin in the state’s COVID treatment guideline in April but restricted its use to severe cases or those with associated disease, meaning it was reserved as a late treatment, if used at all,” WND reported.

“Kerala abandoned ivermectin use altogether on Aug. 5.”

Kerala is more the exception than the norm, though. Across India as a whole, the vaccination rate is currently around 5.8 percent, making it one of the least injected countries in the world.

“There’s a claim that ivermectin is also effective against the common flu and many other viral infections,” wrote one commenter at WND. “If that’s true, it’s no wonder big pharma wants to keep it suppressed.”

“Ivermectin is perfectly safe, but the government does not want you to know that,” noted another. “The drug has little side effects, has been prescribed millions of times, and is known to kill 21 different viruses, including SARS-CoV-2.”

Ivermectin has been safely used for years and is off-patent.

The latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) deception and the crusade against ivermectin can be found at

Ethan Huff

India’s Uttar Pradesh State Now COVID-Free, Recovery Rate Up 98.6% Because Of Ivermectin

This article makes painfully obvious once again, that the U.S. could have ended the pandemic in just a few weeks time back in May of 2020, if all doctors and hospitals had started treating the way the Rajtiers were in south Florida beginning in April of 2020:
The Dr.'s Rajtier were early pioneers in the repurposing of Ivermectin for COVID
« Last Edit: September 27, 2021, 04:59:06 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?