Author Topic: Took Government almost 3 years to air first PSAs on early treatment for COVID  (Read 213 times)


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Why did it take the government almost 3 years into the "pandemic" to air the first public service announcements encouraging early treatment for COVID-19? Even the instructions for Tamaflu state that you must begin treatment within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. Do oncologists instruct patients to go home and wait until the tumor begins to block the airway and then go to the hospital to seek help? How about people with clogged arteries? Do cardiologists instruct them to go home and wait until they have a heart attack, then call the ambulance and get treated in the hospital? Then why did Anthony Fauci instruct Americans to "go home and isolate" with no early treatment recommendations besides Tylenol until one began to suffocate and needed to be on oxygen?
Fauci's "go home and isolate" treatment for COVID - a death sentence for so many
NIH deadly recommendations compared to those of COVID-competent professionals

Is the government and its health care agencies just now realizing the value of early treatment, while competent front line treating physicians have been enjoying 99+% success in early treatment of their elderly and high-risk patients ever since March of 2020? Was it simply a three year successful effort at mass genocide by way of the NIH "standard of care" at the hands of the hospital Illness Industry instead? Purely for profits for the hospital industry that had been sagging?
The average charge per COVID-19 patient requiring a hospital stay is ~ $73,300
Hospitals bill up to $470,000 PER COVID-19 PATIENT
Any surprise to learn that hedge funds and private equity firms were/are buying up the health care industry?

We might find a clue by going to the CDC website to see just what is being recommended.

Instead of $20 HCQ and IVM early treatment drug/nutraceutical protocols that have been proven safe and up to 99+% effective in early treatment of elderly and high-risk patients ever since March of 2020, the CDC recommends:

"Nirmatrelvir with Ritonavir (Paxlovid)
Adults; children ages 12 years and older
Start as soon as possible; must begin within 5 days of when symptoms start
Taken at home by mouth (orally)"

So experimental Paxlovid is their first recommendation. Do we need to wonder why?

"A five-day course of Paxlovid costs $530 (the U.S. government paid $5.3 billion for 10 million courses of Paxlovid in November 2021)....."

Even though.....

".....Pfizer’s Paxlovid, a drug with 120 important drug interactions across 25 different classes of very commonly prescribed medications. It cannot be given concurrently with 75 of them and you have to adjust doses with an additional 29. Even Biden had to be taken off of two of his medications to be treated with it."
"I have never in my career used a medication with this many complex drug interactions. Not even close. Yet, now in the U.S it will be “prescribed” by a pharmacist with no more than a superficial knowledge of the chronicity, severity, or treatment history of the patient’s other illnesses."

"The problems with Paxlovid are no secret. FDA granted Pfizer emergency use authorization for the drug after a single trial with questionable results."

Next on the CDC list of early treatment is:

Remdesivir (Veklury)
Adults and children
Start as soon as possible; must begin within 7 days of when symptoms start
Intravenous (IV) infusions at a healthcare facility for 3 consecutive days

Even though.....

A 5-day course of Remdesivir cost $3,200 or $5,700 for a 10-day course (that costs Gilead $9.32 to manufacture, after the drug development was done at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer.

And for what.....?

Remdesivir for COVID-19 - little impact on survival, increases hospital stay
W.H.O. "STUDY: Remdesivir Does Not Reduce COVID Mortality" or shorten hospital stay
W.H.O. recommends against the use of remdesivir in COVID-19 patients - 20 Nov 20
Dr.Bryan Ardis: "We are witnessing intentional medical GENOCIDE"

Next we have the experimental drug......

Molnupiravir (Lagevrio)
Start as soon as possible; must begin within 5 days of when symptoms start
Taken at home by mouth (orally)

U.S. government advance purchase of 1.7 million doses for $1.2 billion making it about $700 per dose

Why would Merck try to kill their Nobel Prize winning miracle drug for COVID?

Will Merck's new drug cause cancer? Genetic manipulation?

Merck originally said the drug was more than 50% effective in preventing hospitalizations and death, but a more full set of data presented to the FDA on Tuesday noted the drug is just 30% effective,” the outlet added.
That's it! Those are all the early treatment therapeutics listed at the CDC!

CDC listing just those 2 experimental new patented drugs and comparatively worthless and deadly Remdesivir (as compared to IVM and HCQ), that all have impressive lists of dangerous side effects, while ignoring drugs that have been proven safe for 35 and 65 years as taken by millions of Americans for other purposes, that when repurposed for COVID-19 and prescribed off-label (about 40% of medications used in hospitals are used off-label) - in the same dosages for COVID treatment as taken by millions of Americans every day of the year for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis in the case of hydroxychloroquine - that have been shown to be 99+% effective in the treatment of elderly and high-risk patients for COVID-19 by competent clinicians since March of 2020.
Dr. Zelenko recommendations of 3-23-2020 - 500 patients 0 deaths 0 hospitalized
Overcoming the COVID-19 Darkness: Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 (12,000) Patients
Even over the phone or Internet: has treated 150,000 COVID patients with a 99.99% success rate

Over those same 3 years, the proven safe and almost perfectly effective drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have increasingly proven themselves to be highly effective in trials and studies, even though the vast majority of those trials and studies were designed to fail.

As of this writing:
"189 ivermectin COVID-19 studies, 139 peer reviewed, 93 comparing treatment and control groups. Ivermectin was adopted for early treatment in all or part of 22 countries (39 including non-government medical organizations)."
"452 Hydroxychloroquine COVID-19 studies, 354 peer reviewed, 373 comparing treatment and control groups. Late treatment and high dosages may be harmful, while early treatment consistently shows positive results. Negative evaluations typically ignore treatment delay. Some In Vitro evidence suggested therapeutic levels would not be reached, however that was incorrect [Ruiz]. HCQ/CQ was adopted for early treatment in all or part of 41 countries (57 including non-government medical organizations).
« Last Edit: December 18, 2022, 07:45:45 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?