Author Topic: Comparing studies, to 99+% success rates in evidenced-based medical practice  (Read 563 times)


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Please read the important disclaimer at the following link before proceeding further on this page. The administrator of this forum is not a doctor nor licensed or experienced in any aspect of the health care industry.

In conversations I have realized that there is no shortage of folks that don't understand what science actually is, so I address that subject in another thread and forum section.

By the same token there is no shortage of those that are new to viewing studies, may wonder why there is such a wide range of results in the studies, compared to the near 100% success rates enjoyed by the evidence-based medicine practitioners ever since March of 2020 as explored in the early treatment section of this forum.

First, any trial that did not include zinc was not an honest effort to cure COVID-19, so any improvement observed was in spite of the lack of effort. But as long as adding extremely important zinc and a zinc ionophore like hydroxychloroquine (or quercetin to the ivermectin/zinc) and azithromycin or doxycycline antibiotics (to preclude bacterial lung infection), along with vitamin D, vitamin C, melatonin and such, are disallowed as "confounding factors" in trials - which they of course they would be - there will never be a fair trial of the life-saving time-tested safe, effective, generic, hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin complete protocols, because these $20 protocols would demonstrate themselves to be as nearly 100% successful as treating physicians have been with them since spring of 2020, so there would be no profit to be made by Big Pharma with their comparatively ineffective patented alternatives. Who would provide the millions of dollars required to fund such a trial with honesty?
Prophylaxis & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol w/Ivermectin - FLCCC I-MASK+
NIH deadly recommendations compared to those of COVID-competent professionals

COVID-19 must necessarily involve individualized care, because it manifests in at least three different stages, so how a patient is treated depends mostly on how long they waited before seeking care. If treated within the first 72 hours to perhaps as much as 5 days, it is a simple matter of precluding replication of the virus with an ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine plus zinc plus antibiotic protocol and nutraceuticals. Like Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's Zelenko Protocol and Dr. Brian Tyson whose team has treated 6,000 patients with 99.9+% success, though, like Zelenko, not loosing a single patient that showed up on a timely basis. Or for another example, treated 150,000 patients with only 4 deaths. But as the disease progresses the body is going into a cytokine storm inflammatory response to dead viral debris, so at some point high-dose corticosteroids are required, along with a cocktail of other drugs and nutraceuticals. Eventually the patient enters the thrombotic phase with agglutination of blood and clotting where anticoagulants and more are needed.
So of what possible relevance could a trial possibly be for patient care? All a trial could possibly be expected to result in is killing patients in the placebo control group through neglect, while killing fewer patients in the unadjustable care treatment group, through a little less neglect. Which was OK for the Nazis, but immoral, unethical, tantamount to homicide in a civilized society.
Why does Fauci insist on an unethical, immoral placebo-controlled study for HCQ?

As you browse trials of both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine you will notice that the ones that show the most efficacy have added zinc. While virtually no studies that show improvement less than 60% will have included zinc in the trial. So why would anyone waste money on a trial, in which they know in advance they can expect a poor outcome, unless the goal is to sink the otherwise successful, cheap, generic, repurposed drug involved?
Many of the studies are thus designed to fail, because there is no profit to be made by Big Pharma in these time tested, dirt cheap, off-patent, generic drugs. Use of these drugs is also why 3rd world countries have such lower death rates than developed nations like the U.S.
9 In 10 New Drugs Are No More Effective Than The Old Ones

Indeed some "trials" would seem like they were designed specifically to kill trial subjects, through overdosing with hydroxychloroquine, to make it seem dangerous.
Covid-19 Has Turned Public Health Into a Lethal, Patient-Killing Experimental Endeavor
WHO "Solidarity" and UK "Recovery" Clinical Trials of HCQ used Lethal Dosing?
Suggesting danger is absurd on the face of it and the evil intent apparent, since HCQ is one of the safest drugs on the planet that is available over-the-counter in many countries, and is taken every day of the week, decade after decade, by millions of Americans for Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, in the same dosage as is used over just 5-7 days by successful front line treating physicians in COVID-19 treatment protocols.

Secondly, and particularly in the case of hydroxychloroquine, it's near 100% efficacy is in early outpatient treatment, because it works pretty much exclusively as an antiviral when it comes to COVID (while also functioning as a zinc ionophore and performing many other functions). Thus, later stage studies are unimpressive and - particularly if you consider the near universal exclusion of zinc - not surprisingly so, let alone that 7-10 days after presentation of symptoms the SARS-CoV-2 virus is pretty much done replicating so an anti-viral becomes less effective as the body enters into an inflammatory response in reaction to dead viral debris.
No surprise then that the Big Pharma influenced NIH, restricted use of HCQ to trials of hospitalized patients. Exactly the wrong group to expect a good result from.

Thirdly, COVID studies that include younger, healthier, patients, are studying a group in which a near unanimity will recover on their own. This creates an opportunity to claim the drug did not result in a statistically significant reduction in mortality, since few if any will die, in either the placebo or treated group.

At this point it should come as no surprise that other "studies" or "trials" of cheap generic drugs have been outright fraudulent and even contained fictitious data, like the bogus hydroxychloroquine study that was published and then withdrawn within days from The Lancet, in the spring of 2020, that to this day remains one of the primary reasons that 600,000 Americans died completely unnecessary and horrific deaths as well as millions more worldwide.
"EXCLUSIVE: The Lancet Study on Hydroxychloroquine Was a COMPLETE FRAUD"
"Covid-19 Has Turned Public Health Into a Lethal, Patient-Killing Experimental Enterprise"

Until there is a study that includes one arm with a multi-drug/nutraceutical therapy, as all the physicians that have 100% or near 100% success in treatment of patients with, compared with any new patented meds like Remdesivir (which for a year and a half has been the NIH "standard of care"), there can be no such thing as a trial of much value. And Big Phrma knows that doing so would end their hegemony, with the finger pointed directly at them as the emperor with no clothes on.

As stunning as the reality of effective early treatment has been since March of 2020, America has suffered more than 600,000 completely unnecessary deaths at Fauci's hands, as a result of his quashing the repurposing of safe generic drugs. Yet the truth of a COVID cure was published on March 23 of 2020 by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko regarding his first 500 elderly and high-risk patients, that he cured with zero deaths, zero intubations, and zero hospitalizations, while in the same state of New York Andrew Cuomo was wholesale slaughtering the elderly while busily banning hydroxychloroquine.
Dr. Zelenko recommendations of 3-23-2020 - 500 patients 0 deaths 0 hospitalized

But don't think that Big Pharma's water carriers like Anthony Fauci haven't known what they are doing by making unrealistic, unethical and even homicidal demands for double blind placebo controlled trials of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, while at the same time issuing EUA for new, untested, patented, profitable meds with a casual - "Although limited scientific information is available, based on the totality of the scientific evidence available to date, it is reasonable to believe that sotrovimab may be effective for the treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19....." - for their benefactors in Big Pharma:
Re: NIH deadly recommendations compared to those of COVID-competent professionals

Fauci killed thousands of AIDS sufferers back in 1987 with the same unreasonable trial demands, while his Big Pharma benefactors were busily developing AZT, which came on the market as the highest priced drug in history.
Fauci killed thousands of AIDS sufferers with the same ridiculous demand in 1987

And Fauci killed over 600,000 Americans and millions more around the world this time around, with the same unreasonable demand, even though his NIH had established back in 2005 that: “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.”, “We report...that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.
DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 - nobody needed to die

So take all trials of cheap repurposed drugs, that show under 90% effectiveness, with a large grain of salt. You should be able to more easily spot the flaws now.
Here's an honest study done by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko and colleagues, that was peer reviewed by October 29th of 2020, using what is now known as "The Zelenko Protocol".
Newly Published Outpatient Study Finds HCQ+AZ+Z Survival Rate 99%
« Last Edit: March 06, 2022, 08:36:45 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?