Author Topic: Make a rational vaxx decision based on facts, science & risk vs benefit ratio  (Read 289 times)


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Please read the important disclaimer at the following link before proceeding further on this page. The administrator of this forum is not a doctor nor licensed or experienced in any aspect of the health care industry.

We do not recommend either for or against COVID vaccines as that is a personal matter determined by a person's own calculation based on risk VS benefit. But through this forum we do want to empower everyone to make an informed and rational personal vaccine decision based on facts, science and a calculation of your personal risk vs benefit ratio, while including your plans for early treatment whether vaxxed or not.

Our national disaster began when Anthony Fauci recommended that people who became infected and came down with COVID, go home and isolate - with no effective early treatment recommendations whatsoever - until a person began to suffocate, at which time you were to check into one of the Illness Industry's hospitals for an average billing of $73,300, instead of having taken a $20, generic, multi-drug/nutraceutical protocol early, at home, with a 99+% chance of avoiding hospitalization altogether.
Fauci's "go home and isolate" treatment for COVID - a death sentence for some
NIH deadly recommendations compared to those of COVID-competent professionals

To date over 900,000 Americans have died completely unnecessary deaths from COVID-19 as a result of Fauci's advice, because they did not seek and were not instructed toward early treatment upon the onset of symptoms, or because their negligent doctors either turned them away or failed to prescribe appropriately and sufficiently when they did show up for treatment. Hospitals that treated according to the NIH "standard of care" are also responsible for the carnage that, even as of this writing, includes little more than comparatively ineffective Remdesivir and insufficiently dosed corticosteroids as treatment for COVID-19. Hospitals even had the audacity to turn patients away, telling them to go home until they get sicker and then come back, without offering any early treatment prescriptions whatsoever. Essentially homicide by any physicians or physician groups that failed to treat or passed their light to moderately ill patients off on the hospital.
WHO "STUDY: Remdesivir Does Not Reduce COVID Mortality" or shorten hospital stay
Remdesivir for COVID-19 - little impact on survival, increases hospital stay
WHO recommends against the use of remdesivir in COVID-19 patients - 20 Nov 20
Dr.Bryan Ardis: "We are witnessing intentional medical GENOCIDE"

The good news of early treatment with safe, cheap, effective, generic drugs

We can be unequivocally confident beyond the shadow of a doubt as proven for over 2 years now, that essentially all of those 900,000 Americans that died horrific and completely avoidable deaths - including the elderly and other high-risk individuals - could have been healed in days in the comfort of their home, if the public had simply been informed through public service announcements of the importance of early treatment with multi-drug/nutraceutical protocols, that have been employed with 99+% success by competent compassionate physicians ever since March of 2020. Millions of Americans have been saved that otherwise would have been killed by the Illness Industry.

By March 23rd of 2020, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko uploaded a video and sent word to the White House that he had successfully treated his first 500 elderly and high-risk individuals with 0 deaths, 0 intubations and 0 hospitalizations. The following link includes a copy of that letter as well as the treatment protocol:
Dr. Zelenko recommendations of 3-23-2020 - 500 patients 0 deaths 0 hospitalized

Or Dr. Brian Tyson that treated 1,900 COVID positive elderly and high-risk individuals early in the pandemic with 0 deaths and 1 hospitalization of 4 days. He has treated 5,000 elderly and high-risk patients to date with 0 deaths among those that showed up for treatment on a timely basis. has treated 150,000 COVID patients with only 4 deaths, for a stunning 99.99% success rate

A precious few hospital systems like the Broward Health System in Broward county Florida were having tremendous success with ivermectin protocols by April of 2020. Healing their patients rather than killing them through negligence by way of the NIH "standard of care".
The Dr.'s Rajtier were early pioneers in the repurposing of Ivermectin for COVID

Other hospitals like Henry Ford in Detroit Michigan were forced to let their patients die, because the FDA turned down their appeal to treat patients immediately upon admission with hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin, even though they had previously logged a 50% reduction in mortality by doing so.
Henry Ford and Mt. Sinai studies show hydroxychloroquine saves lives
FDA denies Henry Ford Hospital request to use HCQ - crime against humanity?
Henry Ford doctors pen open letter on hydroxychloroquine study

Regarding the science behind the vaccines

Even Pfizer's own trials showed a 42.8% greater all-cause mortality in Pfizer's vaccine group than placebo group

A Harvard study established that less than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported to the VAERS system VAERS - Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System - less than 1% are reported

"Columbia University study reports over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines
I had 8 independent ways to show this before. And now there are 9."
"Comparing our estimate with the CDC-reported VFR (0.002%) suggests VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20, consistent with known VAERS under-ascertainment bias"

Very disturbingly:
"All-cause mortality skyrockets in 2021 Data from Europe and the U.S. show"
".....for people under 25 excess mortality is nearly double last year." (in vaxx year 2021 compared to 2020)

"CDC continues dishonest vaccine, COVID data reporting to hide danger of jabs"
"According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you’re not counted as fully vaccinated until a full 14 days have passed since your second injection in the case of Pfizer or Moderna, or 14 days after your first dose of Janssen, despite the fact that over 80% of deaths after the vaccines occur in this window.
    Anyone who dies within the first 14 days post-injection is counted as an unvaccinated death. Not only does this inaccurately inflate the unvaccinated death toll, but it also hides the real dangers of the COVID shots, as the vast majority of deaths from these shots occur within the first two weeks"

Studies are of limited value

To preface, it is of course the epitome of ignorance for anyone to continue to suggest a need for studies and trials of drugs to treat COVID, when we have had two extremely safe, effective, cheap, generic drugs that have proven to be 99+% effective in treatment of elderly and high-risk patients when used in multi-drug/nutraceutical protocols, consistently over the last two years in evidence-based medicine. Indeed such trials would be tantamount to homicide.
Why does Fauci insist on unethical randomized placebo-controlled study for HCQ?

Yet hundreds of studies and trials demonstrate that both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have been very effective in treating COVID-19, in spite of the fact that a study could never begin to replicate the 99+% success that front line treating physicians have enjoyed through evidence-based medicine by employing multi-drug/nutraceutical combination protocols that use HCQ and IVM. This is because COVID presents in a succession of symptomatic phases as the disease progresses. Therefore treating physicians will employ from 5 to perhaps as many as 10 or more drugs and nutraceuticals, depending on how long their patient delayed treatment. Each added element, and the timing of each added element would of course add just another "confounding factor" to a trial. That's why anything other than large observational studies are useless in comparison to the two year history of results of evidence based medicine.
Comparing studies VS 99+% success rates in evidenced-based medical practice
hydroxychloroquine studies
ivermectin studies
COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 1,498 studies

COVID progresses from the viral replication stage early, and then into an inflammatory stage with the body reacting mostly to the presence of dead viral debris, and then into the pulmonary phase with agglutination of the blood and clotting. Each phase obviously requires different treatment.
Successful physicians nearly unanimously treat with a minimum of HCQ+zinc+Azithromycin or IVM+zinc+doxycycline (+perhaps quercetin for a zinc ionophore). Any study that did not use those three components at a minimum, was designed to fail or at least under perform - generally for Big Pharma's benefit in sales of expensive inferior patented drugs and vaccines. Any study that used HCQ after the viral replication phase will under-perform, because HCQ's value is limited as anti-viral, while IVM is also anti-inflammatory and so can help early and in later stages of the infection.
Comparing studies VS 99+% success rates in evidenced-based medical practice

Risk VS Benefit

"The average age of death from COVID is 78. The average life expectancy in America is 78." "Globally, the survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.8%. Under the age of 70, the survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.97%."
So if that is not an underestimate - considering that the alleged increase in death by COVID, is directly proportionate to the decrease in deaths by all other causes - then for those under 70 the average risk of death would be 3 out of 10,000, which includes people that have multiple comorbidities like obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, leukemia, etc. etc., without even adjusting for 99+% effective early treatment (add two zeros).
Vaccine pragmatic (absurdly put, "hesitant") VS vaccine blind obedient
Vaccinate <18-year-olds that have a 5 in 1 million chance of dying from COVID???
NNTV - "For every 1 child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed....."
Vaccine spike protein suppresses DNA repair engine of the human body
Canadian Doctor Believes Two-Thirds of Vaccinated Could Die of Heart Failure
What is "vaccine-enhanced disease" or "pathogenic priming"?
Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis in Children May Have 50% Fatality Rate in Five Years
Defense Dept DMED DATA Reveals Incredibly Disturbing Spikes in Vaccine Injuries

Much more detailed in this forum section.

Waters on Fauci

There has been little to worry about since April of 2020, for those that chose to fully inform themselves by navigating around Big Tech's, Big Government's and Big Pharma's, homicidal censorship, while exploring the science and facts through the voices of world renowned epidemiologists, virologists, microbiologists, vaccinologists, academicians and particularly highly successful front line treating physicians who have been saving the lives of their patients ever since early on in the pandemic.
Up to 99+% Effective, EARLY Stage OUTtpatient Treatment for COVID-19, With World Renowned $20 Remedies
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 08:59:38 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?