Author Topic: News about the Omicron variant  (Read 484 times)


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News about the Omicron variant
« on: November 29, 2021, 08:36:58 AM »
[edit title 1-6-22] Thread originally titled same as the "South African doctor" headline below, switched to more generic title to collect articles, videos and memes. [end edit]

[edit add 12-24-21] (Original thread continues below videos.) Increasingly appears that Omicron will be the final step in reaching herd immunity from SARS CoV-2 infection. But little doubt it won't be the end of the fear porn, that continues to control weak minds through government, legacy and social media censorship, lies and propaganda.

[end edit]

"UPDATE: South African Doctor Who Discovered “Omicron” Variant Says There’s Nothing to Worry About – Only Mild Symptoms (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published November 28, 2021 at 12:00pm

Dr Angelique Coetzee, the South African doctor who first spotted the new Covid variant Omicron, appeared on the BBC this weekend."

[Dr. Angela Coetzee, Chair, South African Medical Association]

"Dr. Coetzee says the patients seen so far have had “extremely mild symptoms” – but more time is needed before we know the seriousness of the disease for vulnerable people."

Video at link

So if what the Chair of the South African Medical Association indicated continues to be true, we can hope that the omicron strain is even more rapidly spreading than the delta variant has been, which would continue to devolve COVID-19 the way viruses classically go away, as they become little more than just another common cold strain.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2022, 09:24:27 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Total Number of Confirmed Omicron Deaths So Far: Zero? (Update: One Death, 'With' Omicron?)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2022, 11:30:50 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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The professor of health policy at Johns Hopkins University joined the "Brian Kilmeade Show" on Thursday to discuss the new variant, explaining it appears to be statistically milder than others.

DR. MARTY MAKARY: We're seeing this massive new wave of fear that is fueling our second pandemic after COVID-19, which is a pandemic of lunacy, which is omicron. Now I call it omi-cold. If you look at the epidemiological data, the epicenter is now way down from omicron. The hospitals had some hospitalizations, not much. They were short. They averaged two and a half days instead of eight days. But a study just came out of the University of Hong Kong telling us that omicron does not invade the lung tissue that's deep in the respiratory tract. It stays superficial in the nose and bronchus. So that's why we're seeing a common cold-like illness. This new scientific data from the lab explains the epidemiological data and the bedside observation of doctors that this is far more mild… and that's why I call it omi-cold.

It depends what headline you want, what message you want to send, I can recast any respiratory virus as a potential bubonic plague that's going to destroy the United States. It's just how you present the statistics.

We've got to reduce testing in low-risk situations. If you test everyone in the United States, you will find a virus particle in the nose of some fraction of Americans forever. … We can't go hunting for a problem that is a very mild or asymptomatic illness."
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Could this have something to do with vaccine-enhanced disease response?

"CDC Confirms 80% of COVID-19 Cases Caused by Omicron Variant in the US are Fully Vaccinated Individuals – And 33% Had Booster Shots!

CDC COVID-19 Response Team published a weekly report on Friday where a vast majority of the patients infected with the Omicron variant identified in the US so far were fully vaccinated individuals.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that of the 43 COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variants, 34 people were fully vaccinated. Of those fully vaccinated, 14 people had received their booster shots but five of those received their additional shots less than 14 days.

Only 8 people were unvaccinated who got infected with the Omicron variants and 1 person has status unknown.

The CDC added that the “mutations in Omicron might increase transmissibility, confer resistance to therapeutics, or partially escape infection- or vaccine-induced immunity.” This means the vaccines offer less protection against Omicron.

From CDC:

    Details are available for 43 cases of COVID-19 attributed to the Omicron variant; 25 (58%) were in persons aged 18–39 years (Table). The earliest date of symptom onset was November 15 in a person with a history of international travel. Fourteen (33%) persons reported international travel during the 14 days preceding symptom onset or receipt of a positive test result. Among these cases of COVID-19 attributed to the Omicron variant, 34 (79%) occurred in persons who completed the primary series of an FDA-authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine ≥14 days before symptom onset or receipt of a positive SARS-CoV-2 test result, including 14 who had received an additional or booster dose; five of the 14 persons had received the additional dose <14 days before symptom onset. Six (14%) persons had a documented previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. The most commonly reported symptoms were cough, fatigue, and congestion or runny nose. One vaccinated patient was hospitalized for 2 days, and no deaths have been reported to date. Case investigations have identified exposures associated with international and domestic travel, large public events, and household transmission.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that  a government-funded project showed that the effectiveness of vaccines significantly waned over time.  The effects lessen in any fully vaccinated individuals with each passing week.

Also, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine and conducted in Israel during the Delta surge found that the immunity against the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 waned in all age groups a few months after receipt of the second dose of vaccine."

« Last Edit: December 24, 2021, 03:17:30 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Unbelievable nonsense in efforts to keep the fear porn going.
A previously sick guy dies WITH the omicron variant and it makes the news.

"1st known US death related to omicron variant confirmed in Texas
By Associated Press
Published: Dec. 21, 2021 at 12:56 AM EST

HOUSTON (AP) - An unvaccinated man with health issues has become the first person in the United States whose death has been linked to COVID-19 caused by the omicron variant of the coronavirus.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo announced the death of the man in his 50s in the Houston area during a news conference Monday. It is the first known death in the U.S. related to omicron."

omicron first death freak out
« Last Edit: January 06, 2022, 09:40:09 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Re: News about the Omicron variant
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2022, 09:00:47 AM »
Dr. Peter McCullough: The Official COVID Narrative Has Crumbled
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?