Author Topic: Germany: 96% of Latest Omicron Patients were FULLY Vaccinated – Only 4% Unvaxxed  (Read 259 times)


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The title and content of the article that follows is incorrect, because the German Agency corrected the data that the authors reported.
"“The number of 186 unvaccinated patients in the report from 30.12.2021 was wrong, the correct number is 1,097,” Wenchel said."

Purely speculating here, but if the total number of patients was 4,206 as the Gateway article reported, and the number of unvaccinated was 1,097, that would suggest 26% unvaxxed to 74% vaxxed being hospitalized. A German vaccination rate of about 70% would suggest irrelevant vaccine performance (which is what is increasingly confirmed), to slightly worse performance in the vaxxed group being 70% vaxxed but composing 74% of those hospitalized.

The following Reuters article title is disingenuous because the German Institute did report data that others saw and reported, but then later the institute corrected their data. Did Reuters title it that way in an effort to defame journalists and advance their "fact-checking", by  indicating it was other than the German agency's correction? As if the journalists reporting it were falsely reporting? Or is Reuters being technical and saying the German Institute didn't report the percentage figure?

"Fact Check-German institute did not report 96% of Omicron cases fully vaccinated"

In fact it was the fault of the German institute that reported an incorrect number and corrected it, not the fault of the journalists that simply reported that incorrect number.

"Germany: 96% of Latest Omicron Patients were FULLY Vaccinated – Only 4% Unvaccinated
By Jim Hoft

A new study in Germany of 4,206 Coronavirus patients found that 4,020 were fully vaccinated individuals.
186 of the Coronavirus patients were unvaccinated.The Robert Koch Institute released the information Friday."
« Last Edit: January 05, 2022, 02:22:52 PM by admin »
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