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Guest 02:31:29 PM Viewing Who's Online.
Guest 02:28:49 PM Viewing the topic 80% of covid deaths in Scotland are occurring among VACCINATED residents.
Guest 02:28:25 PM Viewing the topic 42.8% greater all-cause mortality in Pfizer's vaccine group than placebo group.
Guest 02:28:09 PM Viewing the topic This forum is not intended to provide medical advice, but rather information!.
Guest 02:27:28 PM Viewing the topic MOVED: Lisbon court rules only 0.9% of ‘verified cases’ died of COVID.
Guest 02:27:21 PM Viewing the board index of COVID-19 Forum, Information, Studies, Treatments.
Guest 02:26:25 PM Viewing the topic FDA removed EUA for HCQ and gave to Remdesivir instead - neglegent homicide?.
Guest 02:25:45 PM Viewing the topic Triple-Vaxx Kids in England 137 Times MORE LIKELY to Die Of Covid-19 Than Unvaxx.
Guest 02:24:34 PM Viewing the topic Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Govt Aware of Fraud.
Guest 02:24:19 PM Viewing the topic Peer Reviewed Outpatient Study Finds hydroxycholorquine+Zn+Az Survival Rate 99%.
Guest 02:24:18 PM Viewing the topic If you want to risk dying of ignorance, just keep searching with Google/YouTube.
Guest 02:23:21 PM Viewing the topic MOVED: Sudden deaths of 80 young Canadian doctors since rollout of COVID‐19 vaccines.
Guest 02:22:54 PM Viewing the topic MOVED: PulmCrit – Eleven reasons the NEJM paper on remdesivir reveals nothing.
Guest 02:21:21 PM Viewing the topic Pfizer trials - 1,291 different "adverse events of special interest".
Guest 02:20:41 PM Viewing the topic Big Pharma's anti-competitive product hopping, “evergreening”, “line extension".
Guest 02:19:32 PM Viewing the topic Hydroxychloroquine for prophylaxis & treatment COVID-19 in health-care workers.
Guest 02:17:37 PM Viewing the topic Why does Fauci insist on an unethical, immoral placebo-controlled study for HCQ?.
Guest 02:17:31 PM Viewing the topic COVID Vaccine-Injured Sue Biden Administration Over Censorship.