Author Topic: Ivermectin Derangement Syndrome irrational&deadly fear of life saving medication  (Read 421 times)


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Ivermectin Derangement Syndrome or IDS - an irrational and deadly fear of the safe and life saving medication ivermectin. A drug that is so safe that the WHO reports that mass distribution of ivermectin is an underutilized public health strategy. The developers of the drug won the Nobel Prize and IVM is on the WHO's list of essential mediactions.

IDS affects a near unanimity of our legacy and social media and Big Tech censors and no shortage of their information deprived victims, that have been propagandized into an irrational fear or rejection of this safe 45-year old medication, that has been taken by millions of Americans for decades for scabies, head lice, rosacea and more, and particularly by Africans for extremely debilitating parasites, in the same dosage that COVID-19 Protocols prescribe. With billions of doses having been consumed, it is a Nobel Prize winning medication that is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines it should be no surprise that this God-given drug with such humble origins is found to be so highly effective when repurposed as an anti-viral and anti-inflammatory for COVID-19 as well.

Sufferers of IDS are also inclined toward COVID Derangement Syndrome as a result, because they are victims of the mainstream media and as a result haven't learned about the 99+% successful treatment of COVID-19 by competent clinicians since March of 2020. Instead they have been living in a state of unnecessarily heightened fear through ignorance, with their minds bent by the constant downbeat drone, of government bureaucracy and their mainstream media puppets.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2022, 08:35:44 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?