Author Topic: How the FDA/NIH/CDC killed hundreds of thousands of Americans - and continue to  (Read 895 times)


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The FDA/NIH/CDC has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, with absolutely no repentance or end in sight to their crimes against humanity, and the carnage they have wrought against the citizens of the world.

Government agencies, commercial interests and the mainstream media have been demonizing up to 99-100% effective hydroxychloroquine for many months, which has resulted in the completely unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans as well as perhaps over a million people worldwide.

The FDA had initially issued emergency use authorization to hydroxychloroquine (that costs about $3.60 per course of treatment), because HCQ was once again demonstrating its efficacy as it had in treatment of prior corona viruses, as Anthony Fauci well knows because his NIH observed its curative capabilities in 2005. However by FDAs own rules they could not issue EUA to another drug at the same time. Which not only precluded their giving EUA to the (less effective), patented drug Remdesivir that costs $3,200 per patient, but also prevented the FDA from fast-tracking a (tens of billions of dollars in profits) completely unnecessary vaccine.

So in order to facilitate the hundreds of billions of dollars that Big Pharma expects to make the FDA rescinded the EUA for hydroxychloroquine for completely spurious reasons based on fraudulent studies that preposterously suggested that the drug had suddenly somehow became dangerous, after a 65-year history of demonstrating itself to be one of the safest drugs on earth. So safe it's available over-the-counter in many countries, as it was in France for over 50 years.

While the NIH issues "guidance" that basically says go home and do nothing until you start to die. Then you can go to the hospital and spend $3,200 getting a Remdesivir needle stuck in your arm as you lay there drowning in your own lung fluids on your way out of this world.
Just as competent clinicians have observed that hydroxychloroquine has to be administered as early as possible, even Tamiflu instructions suggest that it has to be taken within 2 days of symptoms. But Fauci's (homicidal for elderly and high-risk) recommendation? "Go home and isolate"

So the FDA revoked its Emergency Use Authorization for hydroxychloroquine based on a fraudulent study that used fictitious data that was published in the Lancet, AFTER the study had already been exposed as a complete fraud and had been withdrawn from The Lancet in disgrace.

The powers that be were apparently even willing to kill trial participants in the WHO "Solidarity" and UK "Recovery" trials, by administering toxic doses of HCQ that were 6 times that necessary for a COVID-19 treatment protocol (or for Lupus or rheumatoid arthritis treatment), to create the illusion that HCQ had somehow become dangerous after a 65-year record as one of the safest and most important drugs on earth.

So 200,000 Americans are dead with no end to the carnage in sight, as we become one of the worst performing countries on earth in regard to COVID-19 deaths per million people, with Americans having been sacrificed on the alter of Big Pharma profits.

I wondered why Costa Rica seemed to be running off the rails in the chart that follows and found this:  "Costa Rica Suspends Use of Hydroxychloroquine to Treat COVID-19 Patients"
« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 10:20:47 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?