Author Topic: 100,000 people in the U.S. died needlessly from COVID-19 - is it time to sue?  (Read 494 times)


  • Administrator
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After composing this topic I decided to add a forum category dedicated to legal and other actions seeking hydroxychloroquine related justice. This topic is locked to avoid redundant conversations. An identical version is posted in the forum category that deals with lawsuits. Please post your comments on that identical thread.

As of this writing at the end of August, perhaps as many as 100,000 people in the U.S. have died needlessly from COVID-19 because they were not treated with zinc, hydroxychloroquine and azythromycin on a timely basis. Is it well past time to file lawsuits in efforts to raise awareness and help prevent tens of thousands more needless and senseless deaths?

A courtroom run by a serious and impartial judge would be the place where detractors of hydroxychloroquine would finally be forced to put up or shut up. No fraudulent "trials" would be able to pass as legitimate, under the scrutiny of actual expert witnesses, as opposed to shills for Big Pharma engaged in such as the retracted study published in the Lancet or designed-to-fail trials like the WHO "Solidarity" or the UK "Recovery" trials. Indeed such trials would finally be widely exposed to even the most reluctant set of eyes as being exactly what they were.

Why not have the Attorney General of the United States bring a suit on behalf of the American people against those that are depriving citizens from this highly effective, safe, and cheap drug, and convene a grand jury to deliberate on the evidence as brought by true expert witnesses like TREATING PHYSICANS that have been up to 99% successful in the treatment of their COVID patients for over five months now?
Why not include this subject as part of the house investigation into the governors of five states that were responsible for the inexcusable deaths of the elderly in their nursing home communities?
At least one of those governors even banned hydroxychloroquine from being administered outside of a hospital, depriving citizens of the drug they needed early in the progression of their disease, which is the time that they needed it most.
Include the FDA in the lawsuit and force them to disclose the reasons they revoked their Emergency Use Authorization for HCQ. To date I have only seen their having cited phony studies, discredited and designed-to-fail "trials" and "studies".

It's time to force this subject out of the dark and lying shadows and into the light of truth and hold the lying media, politicians, government agencies and medical professionals and institutions accountable, who have been involved in the disinformation and/or deprivation campaign against hydroxychloroquine that has resulted in the deaths of so many Americans.

For family or friends of the deceased, the most important reason to file a lawsuit would be to raise awareness of the life saving protocol of HCQ+AZ+Zinc, and force all of the powers that be to actually provide factual reasons that this better-than-any-other protocol has not been made available to all COVID sick Americans upon presentation of symptoms (particularly for elderly and high risk patients), from early on in the pandemic - rather than just the few informed Americans that benefited by having their lives saved by intelligent stand-up physicians who bothered to inform themselves enough to be comfortable administering the Zelenko protocol upon presentation of symptoms.

I'm just a layperson, but would it be a stretch to suggest that all of the elderly and high risk patients that have died whose doctors were aware that hydroxychloroquine plus zinc and azythromycin saves lives when administered immediately upon the presentation of symptoms - but chose not administer this life saving protocol on a timely basis because of fear or politics - died wrongful deaths as a result of medical malpractice? I don't understand why there are not already a slew of medical malpractice and wrongful death lawsuits filed against doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and pharmacists (that refused to dispense the drug to COVID patients that had a prescriptions from their doctors).

Of course any patients among the dead that were misinformed about hydroxychloroquine and were therefore afraid to take HCQ when it was recommended by their doctor - as a result of false and negative propaganda - survivors and families should file their suits against the influencing TV, print and Internet media, news anchors, commentators, pundits, editorialists and everyone else who group-propagated the false information against this life saving protocol that has been known about and used by doctors in the U.S. and all around the rest of the world for over five months now. Particularly culpable for these deaths would seem to be the censors at Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and all other social media and Internet censors and information manipulators whose activities are responsible for depriving the American public of this vital and what could have been life saving information, when they were seeking out answers.

Is it all just an effort to harvest the billions of dollars that will be made by Bill Gates and Big Pharma's interest in sticking a needle in the arm of every American, loaded with an experimental vaccine, instead of prescribing the simple cheap (under $20) outpatient 99% effective remedy that has been widely available and in use by many physicians in the U.S. for five to six months now? Let alone the thousands of dollars being made by Big Pharma in their rush to profit from patents on questionable new drugs, to the tune of thousands of dollars per patient, that will likely be inferior to the $20 per patient Zelenko protocol.

It's past time to make hydroxychloroquine available over the counter in the U.S., the way it is in much of the rest of the world including first world countries like France (right up until the bogus "studies" came out this year), since as AAPS suggests it has a safety profile that outshines aspirin, Tylenol or Benadryl.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2020, 02:58:28 PM by Administrator »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?