Author Topic: Advertisers on Google/Youtube Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Next Door, guilty?  (Read 647 times)


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Are advertisers on Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and Next Door guilty of the genocide of the elderly and least able among us?

Without advertising revenue Google (and the rest) would not exist.
So advertisers are the most responsible for empowering Google to manipulate information and users while censoring truth, as they advance lies and dangerous falsehoods in its place.
Now Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram even censor medical truth delivered by board certified COVID-19-experienced practicing physicians, the foray into which has and will continue to directly result in hundreds of thousands of otherwise unnecessary deaths of the weakest and most vulnerable among us, because of the censorship of truthful information by these entities.
Are the advertisers guilty as co-conspirators in crimes against humanity?

Would Hitler have been able to gas 6 million Jews if it hadn't been for "good Germans" keeping silent or allowing themselves to be conscripted into, or remain in, his army?
What does that suggest about the advertisers that support, as well as employees that work at, Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram?

The censors of information that could have otherwise saved hundreds of thousands of innocent lives around the world, will go down in history as being responsible for the greatest genocide (to date) in American history, as well as in the histories of many other countries for the same. Generations from now - indeed many hundreds of years from now - their heirs will learn about their forebearer's roles (and the source of the dirty money that supported their future generations) during this sordid chapter in American Marxist Newspeak, unless of course history itself becomes another one of their casualties since they seem to be working pretty hard at that as well. Just as we remember the Spanish Flu of over a hundred years ago, even though nobody was to blame, as they are today.

We challenge anyone who takes issue with this to log in and defend their point of view. For anyone that would be reluctant to participate in such a discussion, what does that suggest about what you have done with your life, in regard to helping move humanity forward in a positive direction?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2021, 08:17:51 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?