Author Topic: Ask your doctor BEFORE you get sick what treatment & when he would prescribe it  (Read 842 times)


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Ask your doctor BEFORE you get sick what treatment he would prescribe and when he would prescribe it.
While your own choice may be different, since my own personal choice is hydroxychloroquine+zinc+Azithromycin, I asked my osteopathic doctor if that is what he would treat my family and very elderly mother with should we become infected and was happy to learn that is what he has been prescribing for all of his COVID-19 patients since early in the pandemic.
My cousin's doctor recognized the motive behind the question and told my cousin that whatever treatment he would like, the doctor would prescribe. He worked with a doctor group that was perhaps shy about outright prescribing HCQ, without it being the patient's idea or request (because of Fauci/NIH/FDA's obvious evil in removal of EUA for HCQ).

If your doctor says he would wait for the results of a (notoriously unreliable) COVID test, before treating, what might that suggest about your doctor's knowledge regarding testing, or ignorance to COVID-19 being a two stage disease, let alone his level of understanding regarding the importance of early intervention? Even Tamiflu instructions state that treatment must begin within 2 days of the onset of symptoms.

The last thing you want to be doctor shopping after you or your elderly parent gets sick with COVID.

Dr. Zelenko also recommends a prophylaxis protocol for elderly and high-risk patients to reduce the odds of becoming infected or to reduce symptoms if you should become infected.

More on prevention and preparation in that forum category:
« Last Edit: July 18, 2021, 09:01:53 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?