Author Topic: Where have the public service announcements been throughout the pandemic?  (Read 440 times)


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Not that many decades back there were lots of public service announcements on radio and TV. These ads were generally geared toward people who didn't have time or want to bother to inform themselves about subjects that they may not have otherwise realized they should have an interest in. Wouldn't PSAs have been an appropriate tool for bringing American's attention to subjects like how best prepare our immune systems in advance of a COVID-19 infection and the importance of addressing infections early and aggressively?

When was the last time throughout the entire course of the pandemic, there was a public service announcement encouraging citizens to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D and C for example, to help reduce the odds of requiring hospitalization in the event of infection by COVID-19? Yet vitamin D is one of the most important and least expensive nutraceuticals a person can take for managing colds and flu.

There has been a century of studies and articles on vitamin D like the 2017 Harvard article: "Study confirms vitamin D protects against colds and flu", and in September of 2020 "Health News" reported: "Vitamin D deficiency increases COVID-19 risk by more than 50%" and another from NWU "Patients with severe deficiency are twice as likely to experience major complications". Vitamin D deficiency is a universal problem, that worsens as winter sets in:  "Despite health agencies and organizations publishing daily intake guidelines for these and other vitamins and nutrients, researchers at Oregon State University estimate that 94% of people older than 4 in the United States have less-than-adequate levels of vitamin D."

One doctor goes as far as to suggest there really isn't so much a flu season as a vitamin D deficiency season, since we have increasingly less exposure to the sun during winter and become increasingly vitamin D deficient, as winter progresses. Further noting that "It is the master key to your immune system."

So why hasn't vitamin D been promoted in PSCs with reminders in the news all along? Why didn't the New York Times have a section starting in the spring of 2020 that included a schedule of immune system building nutraceuticals, with weekly updates that informed as to what measures people could take to best prevent hospitalization from COVID-19? It's certainly not because vitamin D is dangerous (unless way overdone when it can lead to hypercalcemia ("60,000 units per day for months"?!).

Why was our federal government AWOL on a subject so vital, with a simple and inexpensive solution, to help reduce the number of people needing hospitalization and better manage the pandemic? There was certainly no shortage of Anthony Fauci being paraded around on TV touting $3,200 Remdesivir for hospitalized patients, which should not be a surprise since he put them in there with NIH advice for over a year and a half to go home and isolate with no therapeutic recommendation, until you become sick enough to require oxygen and subsequent hospitalization.

The answer to why there were no PSAs, is as obvious as the reason D.D. Fauci and Big Pharma have done everything in their power to quash effective, generic, $20 early treatment protocols for a year and a half. Keeping people out of the hospital with vitamin D and other nutraceuticals does not result in an Illness Industry windfall average $73,300 hospital bill for COVID. Nor does keeping people out of the hospital with cheap generic drugs - rather than sticking a needle in their arm with expensive, dangerous and deadly patented drugs like Remdesivir - finance political campaigns. Or pay for the 70% of news advertising revenue that comes from Big Pharma, or provide the 97-99% of advertising revenue they buy-off medical journals with. Nor would $2 or $3 worth of generic drugs grease the revolving door, operated by bureaucrats at NIH, FDA, CDC and Big Pharma to pay those involved in the drug approval process, who then leave to go to work for the very companies whose drugs they approved.

Our COVID death rates being astronomically higher than many 3rd world countries, demonstrates that the ruling class elites and multi-national corporations have shown that they not only don't give a rat's a$$ about the American people but indeed hold contempt for those they lord over, except as we can be counted on to be perpetual illness machines by way of consumption of the toxins they produce, toward the enrichment of Big Pharma, Big Ag, the Illness Industry, Big Government, Big Tech, and the legacy media. Along with the convenience of genocide by Remdesivir in countries that can afford it. While Americans are treated to the exact opposite of PSAs by keeping citizens ignorant, locked down and isolated while indoctrinating the weak-minded among us to be suspicious and fearful of their neighbors and even family members, to furthering the ruling elite's financial interests and depopulation agenda.

It isn't like a century of vitamin D studies and trials haven't illustrated its importance, let alone the more recent studies regarding vitamin D as an aid in COVID-19 treatment, as well as prevention.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2023, 09:48:10 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?