I wanted to share a quick personal anecdote as I know there have been other discussions on nasal rinses for early treatment/prevention of COVID.
A little backstory-- my husband tested positive for COVID on Wednesday and I began having symptoms Friday morning. Symptoms most notably being muscle aches throughout lower body, sinus pressure and severe persistent headache and lethargy.
I would have immediately started taking one of the early intervention protocols but was hesitant as I'm currently nursing my daughter. I reached out but haven't heard about dosing or safety of taking these medications (hydroxy and/or ivermectin) from the doctor that I left a message with.
I knew I wanted to do something though to ease symptoms as soon as possible.
I found this recipe on someone's blog and figured i'd give it a try (
Enter nasal rinse!
– 1 cup filtered water
– 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
– 1 small capful of hydrogen peroxide
– Pinch of baking soda
Put in pot and warm it just enough to have salt dissolve. Using bulb syringe (I had a leftover unopened one kicking around from my kiddo) and spray it up nostril while breathing in. It's not pleasant and there was a bit of gagging -- Definitely an outdoor activity for me!
I did it at lunch time and dinner time on Friday. Saturday morning I woke up with clear nasal passages and without a pressure headache. I plan to do this 2x again on Saturday-- each time I complete a rinse, I'm able to blow my nose and excrete more mucus, which I was not able to do by just blowing my nose.
I'd say I'm about 95% improved after approximately 24 hours of first signs of COVID-- great outcome from my perspective!
Although it may have differing results for other people, it's definitely worth a try!