Author Topic: Vaccine FAIL and vaccine-enhanced disease - get prepared NOW  (Read 481 times)


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Vaccine FAIL and vaccine-enhanced disease - get prepared NOW
« on: October 08, 2021, 07:33:20 AM »
Please read the important disclaimer at the following link before proceeding further on this page. The administrator of this forum is not a doctor nor licensed or experienced in any aspect of the health care industry.

The purpose of threads like this are not to scare people other than into being completely prepared in advance of SARS CoV-2 viral infection and subsequent COVID-19 illness, whether one is vaccinated or not, because once a person is infected it is a race against the clock.
100% of those in a Belgian ICU were vaccinated.

The following link on India's largest state of Uttar Pradesh, as well as front-line treating physicians in the U.S. since the beginning of the pandemic, demonstrate what the U.S. could have done in April of 2020, to have avoided well over 600,000 completely unnecessary deaths of Americans, in contrast to the increasing vaxx fail detailed in the articles that follow after this link. Nobody had to die:
5% vaccinated Uttar Pradesh with 230 million people, eradicated COVID-19

Consolidated index of vaccine FAIL related articles in this forum section:

Vaccines are killing and injuring far more young people than COVID. The risk VS benefit ratio for healthy kids is ridiculous. The 4 in a million chance that a young person could die of COVID, includes obese diabetics with leukemia, who were also deprived of 99+% effective early treatment.

Vaccinate <18-year-olds that have a 4 in 1 million chance of dying from COVID???

Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis in Children May Have 50% Fatality Rate in Five Years

VAERS myocarditis already 47% of 2021 in just the first 2 months of 2022

NNTV - "For every 1 child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed.....

Meanwhile: Johns Hopkins Study Found Zero COVID Deaths Among 48,000 Healthy Kids

IMPORTANT! Geert Vanden Bossche "Final Call" "Final Warning" (vaxxdemic?)

Are there signs of vaccine enhanced disease, judging by COVID death rates?

"AIDS-Like 'Chronic Covid' is Taking Over Europe, Australia and NZ"-Igor Chudov

How have the "vaccines" been doing at reducing the COVID death rate?

Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with long stretchy Rubbery Blood Clots

"The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good" - By Pfizer's Own Trials

"The CHD obtains Pfizer / FDA vaccine data – and its not good"

Israel: '80% of serious COVID cases fully vaccinated' - "time to admit failure"

Triple Vaxed up to 5 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 than unvaxxed

"Vaccine" Injury

MIT study finds COVID vaxxes 'significantly associated' emergency heart problems

Defense Dept DMED DATA Reveals Incredibly Disturbing Spikes in Vaccine Injuries

Study: No Significant Difference in COVID-19 Transmission Between Vax or Unvax

Japanese study – vax spike protein in spleen, liver, adrenals, ovaries

mRNA vaxx - functional reprogramming of innate immune responses- favoring cancer

Two-thirds of Israelis report having adverse reaction to COVID booster shots

All-cause mortality skyrockets in 2021 Data from Europe and the U.S. show

COVID-19 Vaccines: Scientific Proof of Lethality Through 1,011 Studies

COVID Vaccines: Irrefutable Evidence Of Their Causative Role In Deaths After Vaxx

Detailed evidence of the devastating damage Covid vaccines can do

42.8% greater all-cause mortality in Pfizer's vaccine group than placebo group

Life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

Scandinavians curb Moderna shots for some younger patients

Vaccine related deaths may be underreported by a factor of 20

8 Dead, 80 Infected In Fully-Vaccinated Connecticut Nursing Home

81% of COVID deaths of people over 50 years old were among the fully "vaccinated"

Study Shows 8 In 10 Women Pre-3rd Trimester, Miscarried After Getting Covid Vaxx

The Most VAXXED Nation on Earth - ‘Exponential Rise’ in Covid Cases - 11-16-21

70% of COVID deaths in September were among ‘fully vaccinated’ in UK & Sweden

Iceland stops use of Moderna's Covid vaccine for all ages

VAERS - Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System - less than 1% are reported

The Vaccine Death Report

Dr. McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC claim vaxx already killed 45,000

J&J - Protection fell from 88% to just 3% in six months, study finds

Pfizer-BioNTech effectiveness down to 42% Moderna down to 76%

"There is an “Increased Risk of Severe Disease Among Those Vaccinated Early”

40% of new COVID patients were vaccinated VS 1% who had been infected previously

80% of covid deaths in Scotland are occurring among VACCINATED residents

64% of Israel’s COVID-19 patients in serious condition are fully vaccinated

U.K. - symptomatic COVID is up 40% in vaccinated, while down 22% in unvaccinated

Higher Death, Hospitalization Rates Among Vaccinated Individuals: UK COVID-19 Data

Comparable viral loads reported in vaxxed and unvaxxed patients, 251x AB strains

Could Pfizer's vaccine's effectiveness be as low as 19% to 29%?

"CDC Says Vaccinated May Be as Likely to Spread COVID as Unvaxxed"

As Vaccines Continue to NOT Work as Promised – Ivermectin Continues to Work

Fully-Vaxxed Gibraltar Sees 2500 PERCENT SPIKE in COVID-19 Cases Per Day, Initial

CDC Reports More Covid VACCINE DEATHS than Covid Deaths Over the Last Two Weeks

Are An Alarming Number of Athletes Dropping Dead After Getting the COVID Jab?

Breastfeeding Baby Dies After Mother Receives Pfizer Vaccine

CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors DYING LIKE FLIES After Vax Injections!

New York Times admits the Pfizer vaccine is FAILING in Israel as post-injection

53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections

Four New Discoveries About Safety and Efficacy of COVID Vaccines

UPSURGE IN DEATHS upon implementation of vaccine programs - the vaxidemic

Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with Vaccinated People

Deaths Following Vaccination in Taiwan Exceed Nation's COVID Death Total

Because the FDA panel included data from countries - outside the false, manipulated, U.S. data - they found Pfizer's efficacy to be too low to approve it as a booster (except to dispose of this obsolete vaxx into the arms of the elderly).
FDA rejects full approval for Pfizer booster, limiting authorization to elderly

On government lies, manipulated stats

CDC Removes 24 Percent of Child COVID-19 Deaths, Thousands of Others (780,000)

The Vaccine Death Report

CDC allows hospitals to classify dead vaxxed people as “unvaccinated"

CDC continues dishonest vaccine, COVID data reporting to hide danger of jabs

Vaccinated and unvaccinated alike need to prepare their systems in advance of disease with exercise and nutraceuticals, while being prepared for immediate early treatment in the event of symptomatic infection or clinical suspicion of COVID-19. Which is of course what everyone should have been doing all along. Now is not the time for complacency. The vaccine regretful have already suffered the disappointment of being told the vaccines would solve everything and life would go back to normal, and then just a couple months after getting jabbed being told they will need to line up for yet another even less effective jab, just six months after their first jabs. But world leading virologists correctly warned all along that "vaccination amidst a pandemic creates an irrepressible monster". Rather than a solution, the unapproved, experimental, genetically engineered, chemically enhanced biological agents, instead created hundreds of millions of asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers and spreaders and mutant creators, while the vaccine regretful are ordered to put their masks back on and socially distance, and soon to receive every successive booster and flu shot or loose their job and/or their freedom.

To add even more insult to injury, articles seem to increasingly suggest that susceptibility to COVID is increasing for vaccinated individuals as their artificial, narrowly focused, solely-symptom-suppressing, non-immunity wanes. More recent reports may even indicate vaccine-enhanced disease response is rearing its ugly head as the term is being applied more frequently. Vaccinated (and unvaccinated) should always be prepared for serious disease, particularly since complacency in vaccinated individuals resulted from government lies and manipulated statistics to make it appear that things are going better for the vaccinated than they are, and worse for the unvaccinated than they are, as detailed in the thread links at the bottom of this post.

If the U.S. government has an interest in the health and welfare of American citizens then why are they completely ignoring the broad-based, robust, durable and long lasting immunity of those that were COVID infected and recovered, since their immunity is far superior to the fake non-"vaccines" that do not offer immunity but instead reduce symptoms (indeed the CDC had to change the definition in order to even call them vaccines). While unlike the fake vaxx, natural infection and resulting immunity offers protection to the variants as well as T-cell protection likely for life. Even worse, the naturally immune have a greater risk of suffering an adverse event, if they do receive the fake vaccines. So why isn't everybody tested for T-cell immunity, before they are forced to become a test subject in a phase 3 trial of an unapproved, experimental, genetically engineered, chemically enhanced, biological agent, in order to keep their job or continue their higher education? The reason is of course because it doesn't have to do with the health and welfare of the American people but rather Big Pharma profits and global Deep State power.
Highly esteemed Dr. Peter McCullough offers some insight on this link.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2022, 05:11:49 PM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?


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Re: Vaccine FAIL and vaccine-enhanced disease - get prepared NOW
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2021, 12:18:51 PM »

[edit add 6-24-22 of video from 5-3-21] Noticed this amusing old video on absolute vaccine fail. Unvaccinated employee infects 1/3 of vaxxed nursing home residents and staff. "Vaccine" working great, eigh?!  :-) [end edit]
« Last Edit: June 24, 2022, 09:51:34 AM by admin »
Over a million Americans have died completely unnecessary, horrific, deaths from COVID-19. Do you have a plan in place to help your family dodge the average $73,300 COVID hospital bill, through prevention and a $20 EARLY treatment protocol?